: dedicated to deepening our human connections, so that we lead more spiritually and emotionally fulfilling lives; by exploring the wisdom and secrets of our ancestors, and unveiling the beauty beyond the veil and within ourselves.

In an ever-changing world where people are seeking to reconnect to their true essence, and to one another in togetherness, Art of Love is inspired to offer soul growth and to assist you on your path towards a deepening of love. Art of Love is devoted to the teachings of the heart.

Love has various shapes and forms, different speeds and movements. It unfolds through gentleness, patience, compassion, tenderness, joy, grace, trust, faith, and generosity. And yet love isn’t an air in the sky, it is almost like bread – it is to be made and remade each morning, each day, made anew. We are meant to build love, contain love, emit love.

With a kindness and patience of rhythm, we are meant to shape it through our every day words, hands and gestures along the ordinary circling staircases of our life. 

My intention is to whisper you back into your heart,

with love + peace,


The Right Relationship

Spirituality + Mysticism

Astrology + Human Design

Holistic Wellness

Folklore, Myth + Literature

{poem + story} Series

The Little Ones

Archives: Click here for an archive of all my writings

The Necessity of Limits, and Being Grateful for Them

The Necessity of Limits, and Being Grateful for Them

“Our human and earthly limits, properly understood, are not confinements but rather inducements to fullness of relationship and meaning. Perhaps our most serious cultural loss in recent centuries is the knowledge that some things, though limited, are inexhaustible. If we always have a theoretically better substitute available from somebody or someplace else, we will never make the most of anything…

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To keep us tender in this world is the hardest yet most important thing. Our tenderness is where our greatest strength is. When we follow its thread of water, it leads us gently to our core where despite hardships we remained resilient and unbreakable. In a way – our tenderness is our hardiness because no thing and no one was capable of destroying that part of us…

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Love & Prayer

Love & Prayer

There is incredible power to this kind of devotion; of a deeply spiritual act that kneels us each and every time like nothing else ever could. Prayer is an intimate love song through which we enter into a relationship with the divine. Prayer is an offering of ourselves wholebodily and wholeheartedly. Prayer, despite its gentleness, is never afraid and in our hardest times, it gets its feet dirty holding us…

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What Cinderella Knows

What Cinderella Knows

Cinderella wants us to know to stay unmistakably true to ourselves and our heart; that we can preserve that beautiful spark inside of us despite our circumstances. But she reminds us of the importance of support; to surround ourselves only with those that truly allow us the space to reveal ourselves freely and safely…

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What Sleeping Beauty Knows

What Sleeping Beauty Knows

Beyond the themes of true love, patience, integrity and kindness of heart, there is an underlying thread of the soul’s path towards self-realization and sacred union, including the concepts of soul’s destiny and reincarnation. Sleeping Beauty personifies the human soul going through its transformation as fate goes beyond the prediction of sleep…

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The Cherokee Story of Two Wolves

The Cherokee Story of Two Wolves

We need to feed them both. Because when one is starved, it will wait around the corner in the shadow and come out craving for attention. Denying parts of ourselves essentially means rejecting ourselves. And anything suppressed becomes our master controlling us. Trust with Wolf. Let it guide you and free you. Peace is the mission…

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The Art of Loving

The Art of Loving

Let every day be a painting. We change constantly. Even after many years together with one person living under the same roof, we still change, and we need to get to know each other — explore each other — all over again each day. And just like art, there is always something new we can find in our partner — a new colour, a new sparkle, a new curve of a brushstroke, a new feeling…

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