The Ring of Venus

The Ring of Venus

I am beloved, and my beloved’s mine ~ Song of Songs, 6:1-3 A man once went to his priest, asking for advice – sharing that he loved the woman he was with, and for the first time in his life he really wanted to get married, but was afraid of commitment and...
The Rose of Venus, and your Natal Love Cycles

The Rose of Venus, and your Natal Love Cycles

Often times in the Celestial Natal Reading that I offer to my clients, I go over their Venus cycle, the phase of their natal Venus, whether invisible, visible, morning or evening star, and then when she changed her phase, to offer deeper insights into the love...
You are an Earth

You are an Earth

Today we’ll talk about what is meant by your “earth” in astrology, and no, it doesn’t refer to the earth element energies such as Capricorn, Taurus or Virgo. I call it the inner earth; each one of us has an earth – which is essentially...
Human Design: Understanding the Lines through a Walk in the House

Human Design: Understanding the Lines through a Walk in the House

As I browse through the beauty of Claude Monet, and his house and gardens in Argenteuil in the suburbs of Paris, France, I thought what I wonderful opportunity to share with you my guidance on how to understand the lines in human design through the house analogy, and...
Feng Shui and the Human Design Environment

Feng Shui and the Human Design Environment

It’s sunny warm and playful today, so let’s have some fun as I guide you through some creative ideas for your human design environment decorations, blending Feng Shui with my own personal insights through my many years of experience. As you know, I like to...
The 7th House, and the Purpose of Relationships

The 7th House, and the Purpose of Relationships

We can only meet another as deeply as we’ve met ourselves. There is a popular belief among anthropologists that you must immerse yourself in an unfamiliar world to understand your own. Relationships serve as our mirrors – they allow us an opportunity for a...
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