ours is tonight
soir with full belief
i’ll light the candle if you tell me
how it looks from the other side, if the rain
sounds like silver beads on the hardwood floors
before the winds spoke the curtains into secrets
it was destiny
that august humid night when i paused
to breathe the sleeping roses
and i met you
you looked into my eyes
like sharing a secret
dangling earrings
i’ve been wearing your shirt for days
instinctive and sensual, we are
in our moody cocoon
like moonlight
and lie here beside me on the floor before the candle flames
let us listen to the language of the crackles
how something splits only to become one again
stay here beside me on the floor
before the candle flames
until the wood becomes the fire
we peel
the layers of ourselves
until the fire is the element of water
and we deepen into a drop
containing all of our intimacies
another summer lightening
A little more:
A hot humid night, as the moon spreads herself like love on the floors. And this inspired my heart into a poem.
The way a heart longs, desires, pulls in … desires, for the thing that desires us in turn – the thing that calls us, that shifts our eyes towards unknown horizons, in mysterious ways, and pulls us towards itself. It’s inevitable. I am such a sensitive summer water thing. And we come to each other like waves – because this is how water loves.

The above includes excerpts from my book, all rights reserved and subject to copyright.
You can read more of my poems and musings in my {poem + story} series.
You can also visit my poems page to read poems from my first two books, check out my two love poetry books, Moonhold (2019) and The God-like Things (2021), and listen to my spoken word while musing over some of my videos and photography.
I love what I do, I love to create and to contribute, and if you want to support me and my work of love (and my upcoming new book of poetry!), you can do so by sharing my articles and poems, buy my books, or donate some magic coins in my hat on Paypal. If you would like to work with me, hire me or collaborate, feel free to check out my Offerings or contact me directly.
Your support means so much to me! Thank you wholeheartedly!