Art of Love
: dedicated to deepening our human connections, so that we lead more spiritually and emotionally fulfilling lives; by exploring the wisdom and secrets of our ancestors, and unveiling the beauty beyond the veil and within ourselves.
Archives: Click here for an archive of my writings
The Right Relationship
Spirituality, Esotericism + Mysticism
Spiritual Astrology + Human Design
Holistic Wellness
Folklore, Myth + Literature
{poem + story} Series
The Little Ones
Archives: Click here for an archive of all my writings
While I have separated my content into various categories for my readers, please know all my writings are interconnected and interrelated, holding the same spiritual essence of the teachings of the heart and the art of love.
{poem + story} sew the raspberry leaves in our bedsheets.
take the stairs to the moon, and when i slip into dreams, always wake me, like a night, i’ll be waiting …
Spirit Babies and Conscious Conception
What are spirit babies, how to communicate with them and synchronize heartbeat rhythms, and how to nurture the loving environment into which we’ll call in the beautiful souls of our future children while taking better care of ourselves …
Oltremarino, A Very Special Kind of Blue
Some colours are like uninvited dinner guests. Others are for fun. And then there’s oltremarino – the blue of all blues. My true blue. The end-all blue. The blue that all other blues quietly aspire to be. Romantic. Mystical. Instantaneous, undeniable, undoubtedly, inevitable. Like love at first sight. Like a soul calling. Like hands knowing. It’s the love of all loves …
{poem + story} for you, i left the back door open.
… solid blues, slow vinyl records, i remembered that for you i left the back door open …
{poem + story} chai.
… night-fulls, water leans against the spoon, like a body in the night, skin-prayer, you want me, moonlight shows me your unshaved face, that i love so much …
{poem + story} tiny plutonian moon.
… and i am only his tiny plutonian moon, with the familiar weight of his love on my skin …
{poem + story} the night we swam in the sea.
… Eternal, lawless. Tiny liquid, water stars. Water within water. Skin against skin. We are in the night lit sea. We are love. We are loving. Let them watch …
We can’t just be a “sometimes” while expecting the “everything fully”. To experience the depth of connection, live a more fulfilled life, intentional, meaningful and create what you desire, we need to invest our time, love, energy, hands, dedication, loyalty, commitment and devotion …
The Spiritual Gift of Discernment
With so much going on in our world, we can sometimes feel like we are dropped into a rabbit hole, deep into some unknown non-sensical wicked lands …
{poem + story} you smell like moonlight on my skin.
your bared moonlit hands, on my bared moonlit skin …
{poetry translations} “Enchantress” by Peyo Javorov
“My soul is a humble captive, captivated by your soul! – a captive, is my soul in your two quiet eyes” …
The Feminine Mysteries of Love and Longing
The masculine aspect of love is the fiery sword that becomes the action, the word, the seed, the penetrative power which initiates, which says “I love you. I want you. I need you.” The feminine quality of love is the mystic. She is the yearning, the longing, the moist soil, the bottom of the wells, the wombed room, the cup to be filled, the tides pulling in towards herself, the desire, the dreaming. She is the memory itself. She whispers in a voice only the soul of her beloved understands and she says, “I am waiting for you. I am longing for you.” …