Art of Love
: dedicated to deepening our human connections, so that we lead more spiritually and emotionally fulfilling lives; by exploring the wisdom and secrets of our ancestors, and unveiling the beauty beyond the veil and within ourselves.
Archives: Click here for an archive of my writings
The Right Relationship
Spirituality, Esotericism + Mysticism
Spiritual Astrology + Human Design
Holistic Wellness
Folklore, Myth + Literature
{poem + story} Series
The Little Ones
Archives: Click here for an archive of all my writings
While I have separated my content into various categories for my readers, please know all my writings are interconnected and interrelated, holding the same spiritual essence of the teachings of the heart and the art of love.
What Snow White Knows
in today’s age women are constantly pressured by unrealistic standards of beauty and eternal youth. Instagram filters, lip fillers, thread lifts – beautiful dolls on image screens. But where is the depth? Where is the heart? We’ve forgotten what truly matters, and what to truly value …
Sing Love Back to Skin
Sleep of trust, surrender of tear. With a kindness of rhythm, she sang soul back to love, warmth back to skin. Skin against skin, she slipped gently into the bed, returning his heart back to his body. And this is how they awakened. Wrapped around each other, tangled from their night, but tangled in a new way now – a good and lasting way …
When Love is Peeling Cinnamon
Love peels us. We are like cinnamon, and every relationship peels yet another layer of our bark, taking us closer to our heart, our inner truth and our natural, most sweetest, scent. Our soulskin …
When Love is a Kiss on the Beloved’s Wrist
Love is a kiss on the wrist, a holding of space where we can fall in trust, and in deep intimacy …
When Love is a Skeleton Woman
“And that is how they awakened, wrapped one around the other, skin against skin, tangled from their night, in another way now, in a good and long lasting way.” …
What Sedna Knows
… and we remember compassion and forgiveness amidst the turbulence and coldness of the Northern seas. And we remember tenderness – how it will always sing us back to heart, back to warmth, and of this, new life will begin …
{poem + story} kiss on the beloved’s wrist.
A kiss on the wrist is a deeply meaningful and beautiful, intimate act. It assumes a shared trust and surrender. It’s an offering and an honouring; it’s a promise of tenderness where our lips touch the thinnest of their skin, and we feel their heartbeat …
Nuances, Kindness and The Art of Temperance
Absolutism causes nuances and beautiful complexities to sink into the water like stones. And we miss opportunities for love, for a deepening, for a meeting place where two worlds can touch and kiss …
On Patience
When we open to patience like a flower, we enter the soul of matter. Soul-sized is the land of our heart, and that’s the land that truly matters …
Behind The Green Door, Destiny Awaits
Along life’s paths, we are led by the mystical hands of destiny, and when the unclockable clocks strike their right time, we’ll see our green door. There, two worlds will touch, they’ll kiss, and we’ll find that love is not only felt in the hearts – it is known by the hands also …
When Hawks Fly and Eternal Lovers Meet
In a time before time beyond time, eternal lovers kissed and they’ve been together ever since …
Bluebeard: The Key to Knowing
Bluebeard is a story about initiation. The key is her key to opening the doors of greater knowing, truth and an opportunity to sharpen her instincts, intuition and senses. And while many may say “curiosity kills the cat” I disagree. When combined with good reason, it is precisely curiosity that can even save a life …