Art of Love
: dedicated to deepening our human connections, so that we lead more spiritually and emotionally fulfilling lives; by exploring the wisdom and secrets of our ancestors, and unveiling the beauty beyond the veil and within ourselves.
Archives: Click here for an archive of my writings
The Right Relationship
Spirituality, Esotericism + Mysticism
Spiritual Astrology + Human Design
Holistic Wellness
Folklore, Myth + Literature
{poem + story} Series
The Little Ones
Archives: Click here for an archive of all my writings
While I have separated my content into various categories for my readers, please know all my writings are interconnected and interrelated, holding the same spiritual essence of the teachings of the heart and the art of love.
Mars Square Pluto in Synastry
Understanding the dynamic and the conversation that unfolds when two lovers meet on their relationship land where Mars squares Pluto …
Pluto in Synastry
We dive deeper into the themes of the Plutonic relationship, and the dynamic and purpose of it …
{poem + story} the unnamed.
in you of you is me of me is us, of us is love …
What is Your Path to Love, According to Human Design
What is the Venus sequence, how it relates to your purpose, and how to unlock your hidden gifts as seen through your human design chart …
You are a main character in your child’s fairy tale
You are Aladdin, and sometimes you are the magic carpet being everywhere all at once; and you are Sinbad, traveling the vastness of the world and sometimes fighting strange and non-sensical creatures. And you are Gerda, putting on your red bright shoes, showing them that hope is the through line of each story, that love is the greatest power one could ever hold …
Natal Venus Inconjunct Uranus
Love is about freedom within our bonding, and it is about accepting and supporting our unique selves; it is about giving our beloved the wings to fly in the way they need to, and loving all parts of them, wild, free and beautifully charmingly untamed. This is how fires keep burning through the years …
A Woman’s Greatest Power
A woman’s greatest power is subtle, it is quiet, it is immense …
Jupiter Enters Taurus, and Soul-Centric Giving
Today we’ll begin our talk with discussing transit Jupiter in Taurus, what generosity and soul-centric giving truly mean, and we’ll close with a Human Design perspective on this beautiful transit for the upcoming months …
The “Not-Self” Theme in Human Design
Let’s discuss how our bodies communicate with us to show us when we are out of alignment, so that we re-adjust and get back in our natural flow, joy, vitality and pleasure …
Why Esoteric Knowledge is Hidden
A hurdle often faced in modern spirituality is profaning of the teachings and mysteries. Why was esoteric knowledge, what are the levels of initiation, and what are the problems of misunderstanding spiritual concepts, let’s dive in today to discuss this important topic …
Essence, Energy and the Holy Mystery
… A flower knows the sun because it blooms. Human skin knows the sun as it touches us in warmth. Water knows the sun as it boils, and then tea also experiences the sun. Ice melts knowing the sun, and water nourishes the earth, and so earth too comes to know the sun. But the flower is not the sun. Let’s dive into Eastern Orthodoxy and mysticism to learn about the important distinction between divine essence and energy …
Deeper Understanding of the Seven Virtues
The apple trees are in full bloom, and today I thought we’d look into the meaning of things, the essence of things, the beauty of things – to lift the veils and understand the deeper meaning of the virtues, which is essentially living a life in love …