Art of Love
: dedicated to deepening our human connections, so that we lead more spiritually and emotionally fulfilling lives; by exploring the wisdom and secrets of our ancestors, and unveiling the beauty beyond the veil and within ourselves.
Archives: Click here for an archive of my writings
The Right Relationship
Spirituality, Esotericism + Mysticism
Spiritual Astrology + Human Design
Holistic Wellness
Folklore, Myth + Literature
{poem + story} Series
The Little Ones
Archives: Click here for an archive of all my writings
While I have separated my content into various categories for my readers, please know all my writings are interconnected and interrelated, holding the same spiritual essence of the teachings of the heart and the art of love.
Sun Vibes, and Unlocking Your Radiance
As I am shifting my eyes towards the amazing beaches on Capri and the Amalfi Coast, let’s talk about some sun vibes today, what is the sun energy within us, and how to unlock your radiance through human design …
Grace, the Highest Expression of the Heart
Let’s dive in a freestyle discussion of grace, and how grace trumps all, trumping karma too …
Diving Deep into the Aura Secrets of the 5/1 Profile in Human Design
A deep dive, unveiling the veils of the mystical 5/1 profile in human design, the seducer, the lighthouse, the guide and northern star, the alluring dancer, the wisdom of voice, the heretic investigator …
Song of Venus, Song of Your Soul’s Love
We dive into the deep waters of Venus and her higher calling in our life – which is essentially the beckoning us towards our path of love, our soul’s desires and our creative impulse. And I then give you an example of how to see this in your own life through her position in your Navamsa chart …
What the North Node and South Node Truly Are
The Nodes’ meaning and what they actually represent is often misunderstood, so let’s dive deeper into their true essence and meaning on our path towards fulfilling our soul’s purpose …
Spiritual Insights into the Deeper Meaning of Atmakaraka and Darakaraka
I take you on a deep dive unveiling the veils of both the atmakaraka, soul’s desire, and darakaraka, your spouse and destined marriage, and find our how the former relates to our North Node, while the latter connects to our South Node …
{poem + story} and forever.
i give you the sun, moons and stars, and forever …
The Waiting Phase
There are clocks beyond the hands of our human made clocks. There, time has its own timing; unclockable, unstrikable by us. Within this inner understanding and acceptance, we fall into a patience of rhythm, within it trust and within us the inner knowing, a wisdom …
Focal Length, and The Unique Creative Self
Talents belong to the realm of grace; and are gifts given to us to be shared, expressed and used for others. And when we share them, we dance for others, so that they too are inspired to dance in their own unique ways. When we write a poem, we dance. When we cook, we dance. When we embody love through our hands, lips and gestures, we dance …
Upaya, Skillful Means
If you know water, we’ll take the water pathways, listen to the pulling of the tides, and may swim across the lake to get to the other side. If you are a climber, we’ll take the mountain way, and there, eagles may guide us when we look up …
The Secrets of Feminine Energy within Relationships
Using spiritual wisdom from the feminine mysteries I guide you on how to experience more fulfilling relationships and deeper intimacy, and how to attract the right partner for you …
The Secrets of the 4th House: Home of Heart & Soul, Key to Your Happiness
We explore the spiritual depth and insights of the 4th house – house of heart and house of soul – also considered by many as the most important house of our natal chart and the point from which all begins to align in our life and soul’s purpose …