A Child’s Sense of Wonder & the Importance of Reading

A Child’s Sense of Wonder & the Importance of Reading

I’ve previously written and many times talked about the importance of fairytales for a child’s wellbeing. You can read all about it in my article The Important Benefits of Fairytales for a Child’s Wellbeing. Children have the magical ability to move...
The Natural Flow of our Energy According to our Natal Moon Phase

The Natural Flow of our Energy According to our Natal Moon Phase

As I recently launched my new service Spiritual Bath Guides, I thought that today we can briefly talk about the natural flow of our energy according to our natal moon phase. When we understand and are aligned to our natural inner flow, things in our life happen with...
Wellness Guide for Mind, Body, Emotions and Soul

Wellness Guide for Mind, Body, Emotions and Soul

The best healer of all is love.  We’ve hopefully come to a point in our human evolution that we have remembered how well-being is a holistic way of love – how we must tend to all parts of us continuously and consistently, and show our care for the entirety...
How to Live Life as a Prayer

How to Live Life as a Prayer

If you are made more generous, more open, more kind, it is sacred – it is good love – it is your right way forward.  When I think of what does living a purposeful and fulfilled life mean – I think of living life as a prayer. Prayer brings us into...
Manifestation & Motherhood: Communicating with Your Spirit Baby

Manifestation & Motherhood: Communicating with Your Spirit Baby

I recently had a session with a dear client of mine, and with her permission, I thought that today I can share her initial question, as I believe it’d be of benefit to others reading it: “I’ve had a special soul communicating with me for some time...
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