Art of Love
: dedicated to deepening our human connections, so that we lead more spiritually and emotionally fulfilling lives; by exploring the wisdom and secrets of our ancestors, and unveiling the beauty beyond the veil and within ourselves.
Holistic Wellness
How You Digest Food and Information Best, According to Human Design
Let’s discuss the 12 digestion and determination profiles in human design, which essentially show what is the best way for us to consume, digest, absorb and assimilate food, information, experiences and influences in our environments, so that our energy thrives and is more aligned to our natural flow …
The Environment Where Your Energy Thrives, According to Human Design
In this article I guide you through each one of the six human design environments and how to find yours – which is essentially the space where your energy thrives and where your body feels most relaxed, joyful and comfortable. It is the space where you feel most nourished and supported in your unique and natural flow …
The Spiritual Causes of Female Ailments
Exploring the underlying spiritual and emotional causes for common female ailments. These are important topics for all of us women to know and be aware of – and to also support one another as well. Knowledge is power …
The Red Tents and the Healing Powers of Women
Let’s delve into the mystical teachings and old traditions of the red tents, moon lodges, and how these help us feel a greater sense of belonging, support and heart connection …
A Woman’s Secret Sacred Water Well
In each one of us as women, there is a water well. It looks different for all of us, it is unique to us. It can be a little pond, a little lake, a waterfall, a river stream. It is deep into a forest; it is the place where love returns you to love; it is your bridge to higher faith and self …
The Natural Flow of our Energy According to our Natal Moon Phase
Find out what your spiritual strengths may be, and how to align to your natural flow of energy, for greater well-being and creative expression of self …
Wellness Guide for Mind, Body, Emotions and Soul
A wellness guide on how to understand the essence of and balance each of the four bodies of consciousness: the physical, the mental, the emotional and the spiritual …
How To Walk The Beauty Way
The Navajo have a philosophy of “Walking in Beauty”, which refers to the path of beauty as a way of reverence, or deep respect, for life: honouring the sacredness and interconnectedness in everything …
Spirit Babies and Conscious Conception
What are spirit babies, how to communicate with them and synchronize heartbeat rhythms, and how to nurture the loving environment into which we’ll call in the beautiful souls of our future children while taking better care of ourselves …
Creating Sacred Space
What is sacred space and how do we create one physically, internally and with our partner, to have a devoted sacred love life…
The Brilliancy of Feelings
Hold my hand, and let me take you into the brilliancy of your feelings. Our feelings are our inner compass; our navigation system which guides us through life. Feelings are pure, like water; there are no bad feelings…
Wellness Guide: How Each Emotion Affects our Physical Body
An in-depth wellness guide on how each emotion is connected to and affects specific part of our physical body, including anger, fear, sadness, and joy, and how to understand what our body needs when we experience a physical discomfort …