Art of Love
: dedicated to deepening our human connections, so that we lead more spiritually and emotionally fulfilling lives; by exploring the wisdom and secrets of our ancestors, and unveiling the beauty beyond the veil and within ourselves.
Archives: Click here for an archive of my writings
The Right Relationship
Spirituality, Esotericism + Mysticism
Spiritual Astrology + Human Design
Holistic Wellness
Folklore, Myth + Literature
{poem + story} Series
The Little Ones
Archives: Click here for an archive of all my writings
While I have separated my content into various categories for my readers, please know all my writings are interconnected and interrelated, holding the same spiritual essence of the teachings of the heart and the art of love.
{poem + story} love, like bread.
… love is not a statue, it doesn’t just sit there; love has to be made, like bread, and then remade again and all the time, made anew …
{poem + story} sometimes love unfolds in the mess of our messy magic.
… call me by your name, i want to wear your shirt all day, sometimes love unfolds in the mess of our messy magic …
{poem + story} spiritueuse double vanille.
… sweet vanilla kisses the delicate petals of the bulgarian wild rose, candle wicks do twin and kiss, moonheld, i blend notes of perfumes under the melody of an acoustic guitar …
{poem + story} always, entirely.
Like a soul song of love, no beginning and no end, threads knotted from long long ago, and with ancient voices calling us towards one another. We have no other choice than to follow it. Until we are finally in the arms of the one we were made for …
A Child’s Sense of Wonder & the Importance of Reading
Children have the magical ability to move among the many worlds and eras of the earth; to see the land the way a tiny animal would; to experience the sky from the perspective of a wild little rose or a honey bee; to feel the patience and kindness of rhythm beneath the ground of feet; to know the hundred different scents of grass and mud; and to understand the way of language of the whispering leaves and the songs of birds …
The Spiritual Secrets of the Sun, the Moon and the Rising of your Soul’s Purpose
“Respect the one who resides in the heart of all beings, keeping awake when they are asleep” …
The Feminine Mysteries: The Energy of the Eternal Virgin
The eternal virgin energy is the one that remains true to its essence within; and while she interacts with everything continuously, weaving in and of and through it all, she does not let anything or anyone taint or change her true inner self. This is how feminine energy flows; and this is how true love is also …
The Spiritual Secrets of Venus
In spiritual astrology, I often describe Venus as a body in a dream state. Think of yourself when you are sleeping – how your body is gently and continuously moving to put itself into balance to feel more comfortably in your bed. In other words, Venus is the energy that puts into balance all that which is not currently in balance and in harmony; and reminds us that balance is not static, it is dynamic and ever moving …
Astrology | Diving Deep into the Houses of Love
We dive into relationship astrology and the houses of love, the 5th, 7th and 8th, to uncover the deeper meanings and dynamics in our intimate lives and romantic partnerships …
The Sacrament of Marriage
Whether a monastery, a marriage, a garden or a business – we essentially enter into a relationship, a devotional pathway, for the purposes of spiritual development; and as such, there will be a labour of love that we will need to consistently invest into it …
What Étaín Knows
We dive into Celtic myth to explore the beautiful love story between Étaín and Midir – a love that spans over a thousand years, a love beyond time and shape – while also exploring the various changing shapes and phases of our intimate relationships …
When The Outside Doesn’t Matter
One of the hardest yet most important spiritual lessons in life is that the outside doesn’t matter. No matter what is going on externally, no matter how slow or non-existent or contradicting or confusing – it doesn’t matter. All that matters is for us to keep the connection to our heart, the knowing of our truth and heart’s desire, to keep our bridge to faith, and to fully trust …