Art of Love

: dedicated to deepening our human connections, so that we lead more spiritually and emotionally fulfilling lives; by exploring the wisdom and secrets of our ancestors, and unveiling the beauty beyond the veil and within ourselves.

Archives: Click here for an archive of my writings


The Right Relationship

Spirituality, Esotericism + Mysticism

Spiritual Astrology + Human Design

Holistic Wellness

Folklore, Myth + Literature

{poem + story} Series

The Little Ones

Archives: Click here for an archive of all my writings

While I have separated my content into various categories for my readers, please know all my writings are interconnected and interrelated, holding the same spiritual essence of the teachings of the heart and the art of love.

The Wild Unknowns

The Wild Unknowns

There will always be wild unknown parts within us, and within them, parts that we’ll never fully know; but we can still choose to love, be loved, and become mystics, not just lovers, re-discovering and re-exploring one another, through the circling staircases of our life …

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All Things

All Things

All things around us are little droplets of God’s love; a poetic soul, a beautiful song of love, a mysterious psalm, allowing us an opportunity for a deepening and opening the doorways of our heart …

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