We’ve previously talked on the importance of having an environment where you feel supported and nourished, and you can also read my article Creating Sacred Space where I guide you how to build your own sacred space – physically, internally and with a...
Synastry reports are one of my most favourite astrology sessions to do. As a relationship and intimacy specialist, I love to be able to help couples understand one another more deeply, deepen into intimacy, and help them re-connect if they’ve lost their way. I...
Children are not vessels to be filled, they are candles to be lit. Today we’ll dive into some curious little things that I’ve discovered through my long work with spiritual astrology, ancient mysteries and mysticism. I’ve written previously on spirit...
If you’ve had an astrology soul purpose session with me before, you’d know that one of the first things that we usually talk about is how I tell you a story unique to you: the story of your Sun, Moon and Ascendant (or Rising). It is a story that marries...
One of the most asked questions in astrology is usually about love. So I thought that today we can have a little of a lesson diving into relationship astrology – as we explore the love houses, and how they differ from each other yet interconnect: the 5th, 7th...
When it comes to astrology, particularly predictions, I often come across people who just want to know the when and what. When will I meet the one, when will I get the job, what is my soul’s purpose? And of course, it is our human nature to want to know. This is...