Art of Love
: dedicated to deepening our human connections, so that we lead more spiritually and emotionally fulfilling lives; by exploring the wisdom and secrets of our ancestors, and unveiling the beauty beyond the veil and within ourselves.
Holistic Wellness
Happiness, Eudaimonia
One of the oldest words for happiness is the ancient Greek word eudaimonia; let’s dive into its secrets and how happiness is a state of being and living in good spirit and wellbeing …
Astrology and Health
Astrology can be seen as a measurement of a biological mechanism. All signs and planets represent organs of consciousness – a certain part of our body, a certain function, a certain body organ; and we can often gain much insight into our health and wellness through the deeper understanding and use of astrology …
Feng Shui and the Human Design Environment
Let’s have some fun today blending Feng Shui with human design, as I share with you some creative ideas that may help the energy flow in your homes …
The Healing Benefits of Raspberry Leaf
Raspberry is one of the most powerful love oils, carrying many health benefits; and raspberry leaf tea is the best tea for fertility, pregnancy and birth …
The Venus Sequence: Healing the Core Wound through the Sacred Seals, and Offering Your Gift to Humanity
We dive into the Venus sequence in human design, and I guide you through how you can heal your core wound through the Sacred Seals; which will then become a great gift you may offer humanity in your own unique beautiful way …
Liver Health, According to Traditional Chinese Medicine
Today we’ll discuss foods and exercise to keep our liver healthy and in balance; we’ll begin by diving into the wood element in Traditional Chinese Medicine, which is associated with our liver, understand ourselves and our body rhythm better, and learn ways on how to release anger, which is one of the main emotions associated with our liver …
Lineage of the Soul, and the Natal Moon
Let’s dive into the intimate sensitive moody cocoons of our natal moons; how each shows the lineage of our soul, our church within, and deepest emotional worlds, as well as beautiful practices for our wellness and self care routines …
Ways to Flow in Your Feminine Energy
Feminine energy is like water – it flows with ease. When we are aligned to our feminine nature, and flow through it, our life moves more easily and naturally, and our bodies too feel more calmness, joy, pleasure, and the wise beauty of emotional depth and emotional balance …
Creating Food Awareness, Eat What Hums to You
Today let’s discuss the importance of listening to our body, understanding its needs, why there are no forbidden foods, what humming foods and beckoning foods are, and how to begin your yummy food awareness path …
The Mediterranean Diet
Discussing the beautiful health, wellness and nutritional benefits of anti-inflammatory diets, such as the Mediterranean diet …
Lunar Conception with Your Natal Moon Phase
Our monthly moon phase return is our personal new beginning when our energy pulls in and attracts the strongest, just like we were pulled into this earth to be born, and it is said that that’s when women usually conceive …
How to Feel Your Feelings
In the way of water, we begin as we understand the difference between emotions and feelings, and then I guide you through a wellness exercise how to feel your feelings …