Art of Love

: dedicated to deepening our human connections, so that we lead more spiritually and emotionally fulfilling lives; by exploring the wisdom and secrets of our ancestors, and unveiling the beauty beyond the veil and within ourselves.

Holistic Wellness

Happiness, Eudaimonia

Happiness, Eudaimonia

One of the oldest words for happiness is the ancient Greek word eudaimonia; let’s dive into its secrets and how happiness is a state of being and living in good spirit and wellbeing …

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Astrology and Health

Astrology and Health

Astrology can be seen as a measurement of a biological mechanism. All signs and planets represent organs of consciousness – a certain part of our body, a certain function, a certain body organ; and we can often gain much insight into our health and wellness through the deeper understanding and use of astrology …

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Liver Health, According to Traditional Chinese Medicine

Liver Health, According to Traditional Chinese Medicine

Today we’ll discuss foods and exercise to keep our liver healthy and in balance; we’ll begin by diving into the wood element in Traditional Chinese Medicine, which is associated with our liver, understand ourselves and our body rhythm better, and learn ways on how to release anger, which is one of the main emotions associated with our liver …

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Ways to Flow in Your Feminine Energy

Ways to Flow in Your Feminine Energy

Feminine energy is like water – it flows with ease. When we are aligned to our feminine nature, and flow through it, our life moves more easily and naturally, and our bodies too feel more calmness, joy, pleasure, and the wise beauty of emotional depth and emotional balance …

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