The Three Fires of Times

The Three Fires of Times

When it comes to astrology, particularly predictions, I often come across people who just want to know the when and what. When will I meet the one, when will I get the job, what is my soul’s purpose? And of course, it is our human nature to want to know. This is...
Astrology | The Higher Purpose of Marriage

Astrology | The Higher Purpose of Marriage

I am my beloved’s, and my beloved’s mine ~ Song of Songs, 6:3 Love is everything. It is not confined to a definition or a list. It is what gives life meaning. It is not an emotion, even though it feels so sweetly. It is often a verb because we need to...
The Natural Flow of our Energy According to our Natal Moon Phase

The Natural Flow of our Energy According to our Natal Moon Phase

As I recently launched my new service Spiritual Bath Guides, I thought that today we can briefly talk about the natural flow of our energy according to our natal moon phase. When we understand and are aligned to our natural inner flow, things in our life happen with...
Atmakaraka: What Is Your Soul’s Desire?

Atmakaraka: What Is Your Soul’s Desire?

“There is a universe within you – a kingdom of many thousand constellations – so make your own destiny.” Destiny, destiny. For as long as humanity has existed, we’ve looked up at the stars for guidance. We wonder what our destiny may be, where...
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