Art of Love
: dedicated to deepening our human connections, so that we lead more spiritually and emotionally fulfilling lives; by exploring the wisdom and secrets of our ancestors, and unveiling the beauty beyond the veil and within ourselves.
The Right Relationship
The Heart of a Relationship
As I walk you through the beautiful wild roses in our gardens, I tell you about the long corridors in Yucatan, known as “the heart of the building”, and what it knows about the heart of a relationship …
How to Overcome Pride, and Connect to Love
Pride, at its essence, is a form of separation and further disconnection from our heart …
How to Overcome Lust, and Connect to Love
The real unmet need of lust is usually emotional connection and love, and it usually stems from a sense of lack or loneliness; and yet the more disconnected we are from ourselves or unaware of this real inner need, the deeper we may fall into self betrayal and self imprisonment …
Three Things to Know about the Heart Space
What do the Yucatan buildings, the two chambers of the heart, and saying “I love you” have in common? Let’s deepen into the heart space …
Connect to the Senses
Today let’s explore the beautiful power of our senses, and how to connect to each one through various exercises, so that we align to our natural body rhythm and widen our experience within and without …
The Secrets of Feminine Energy within Relationships
Using spiritual wisdom from the feminine mysteries I guide you on how to experience more fulfilling relationships and deeper intimacy, and how to attract the right partner for you …
The White Stork
In love and support for Drago, Draga and their little ones …
What Tea Knows About Love
Flowers stirring in water, circling staircases, cuddles in bed, skin against skin. Love is a movement, love is an everything …
A Woman’s Greatest Power
A woman’s greatest power is subtle, it is quiet, it is immense …
Deeper Understanding of the Seven Virtues
The apple trees are in full bloom, and today I thought we’d look into the meaning of things, the essence of things, the beauty of things – to lift the veils and understand the deeper meaning of the virtues, which is essentially living a life in love …
The Warm Heart, and Six Secrets to a Happy Relationship
How is love the warm heart, the art of love and the various speeds and movements of love with which we paint one another, and what are the six principles upon which a happy and loving relationship relies upon …
The Secrets of Feminine Manifestation
… She became the egg. She settled into her spiritual core, into higher faith and values, into trust and into knowing, knowing that there are cycles of plenty and cycles of quietness and of nothing, but still she remained changeless; and she knew that when approached, she’d discern, to choose the right one, and she’d open only for him, allow only him, permit only him, and conceive – bringing spirit into matter …