Our beautiful wild roses are in full bloom, and as roses are all about love, let’s today talk about the Path to Love as seen through our Venus sequence in human design. I’ve previously written on it in my article What is Your Path to Love, and I also offer...
“Do you hear the song of Venus, song of my heart’s longing, song of my soul? It is a beckoning, it is a reaching of hands taking me in wholebodily and wholeheartedly, a voice older than us older than time, a voice from a time before time beyond time. It is...
Love is a kingdom reserved only for the brave. As much as we try to build roads, concrete, straight and direct, the paths of life are full of twists and turns, and the timing in these mystical lands that we walk are not to be known by us. There, time is unclockable by...
As a significator of marriage and committed relationships, our natal Venus often shows the gifts we’ll receive after marriage. There are a few ways we can of course look at a chart to see what will be awakened within and activated from without. To understand...
In spiritual astrology, I often describe Venus as a body in a dream state. Think of yourself when you are sleeping – how your body is gently and continuously moving to put itself into balance to feel more comfortably in your bed. In other words, Venus is the...