Happy Orthodox Easter!

Happy Orthodox Easter!

And Jesus said: “The kingdom of God is inside you, and all around you, not in mansions of wood and stone. Split a piece of wood … and I am there, lift a stone … and you will find me there.” ~Gospel of Thomas, 77 God, Christ and the Holy Spirit....
The Hidden Potential Within You

The Hidden Potential Within You

Everything and everyone in life has a hidden potential yet to be revealed. We can see this by looking at a little seed – who could have ever even imagined that within this little seed is a mighty tree, is a sweet fragrance and blossom, is a sweet apple?...
Spiritual Astrology, and Deeper Understanding of the Planets

Spiritual Astrology, and Deeper Understanding of the Planets

Astrology is an ancient practice, and in my professional practice, as a spiritual guide and intuitive astrologer, I use various modalities and techniques from astrology including Hellenistic, Western, Vedic, Babylonian, Esoteric and Shamanic, in addition to always...
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