Sacred Relationships and How to Build Them

Sacred Relationships and How to Build Them

Love is everything.  It is not confined to a definition or a list. It is what gives life meaning. It is not an emotion, even though it feels so sweetly. It is a verb because we need to treasure it, nurture it and care for it – to experience it. Love is what makes...

only ever you

say the quiet grows around me promise you know i’m still here say the slip of light is what we lacked to pin my hands on your chest for not just tonight when senses become emigrants and have stopped taking me, say the leftover waters will not empty me of you...

the god-like things

from room to room we carried each other and our ordinary gestures throughout the years, passing by the often overlooked the sometimes unremembered god-like things everything in life begins with noticing so here: i give you back the old house placed oil jars beside the...

delicate blue southern night

what sadness to finally swim towards asphalt because that’s how blind waves become approaching the steel breasts of summer’s end after i know what pleasure is to be suspended weightless in your arms smiling naked as a delicate blue southern night how could i ever love...
Love, Devotion and Purpose

Love, Devotion and Purpose

“When love beckons to you, follow it.” Khalil Gibran Indian philosopher, Jiddu Krishnamurti, once famously said: Only those who’ve never truly loved, ask me questions about life’s purpose. Why does living need a purpose other than its mere...
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