“The fire of transcending limits jumps over the fence. Dance, rhythm, movement, and union. The boundary between I and the not-I melts. One goes beyond oneself to a new wholeness. A cat jumps the fence with grace, intelligence and bravery, self honesty and...
i give you the sun, moons and stars and forever i give you the church of skin and the church of my heart i give you the inside of an apple, a seed, its flowers, an orchard and the whole harvests throughout seasons i give you all the imagined things and the flying...
There are clocks beyond the hands of our human made clocks. There, time has its own timing; unclockable, unstrikable by us. Within this inner understanding and acceptance, we fall into a patience of rhythm, within it trust and within us the inner knowing, a wisdom. No...
In her book The Creative Habit, choreographer Twyla Tharp shares some interesting insights on the subject of our unique creative self. Many years ago she studied with choreographer Merce Cunningham in New York City, who had a small corner studio on the second floor at...
Here I am, a photo by me of my views while hiking the Alps in Switzerland. In Buddhism, the oldest list of paramitas included the six: generosity, discipline, patience, heroic perseverance, meditation, and wisdom. Later on in Mahayana Buddhism, four more paramitas...
I meet with many women in my work with clients and one of the things they often share is that while they are really successful financially, they often attract “weak men” or that they are experiencing unhappiness in their relationships and marriage. While...