When Love is a Kiss on the Beloved’s Wrist

When Love is a Kiss on the Beloved’s Wrist

This is the first part of my three part series on love and intimacy. In Kiss on the Beloved’s Wrist, we explore the need for trust, surrender and holding a loving safe space. In the second part, Peeling Cinnamon, love becomes the cinnamon peeler, as we peel the...
When Love is a Skeleton Woman

When Love is a Skeleton Woman

Yesterday we talked about The Story of Sedna and through her heartfelt tale of how she was thrown into the sea by her fearful father, we remembered the importance of compassion and forgiveness amidst the turbulence and coldness of the Northern seas. We remembered how...
What Sedna Knows

What Sedna Knows

This is part of my folklore + myth series “The Story Threads” where we look at various tales, lore and myth, remembering the wisdoms they hold, and how they can whisper us into more love, more light, more insight in our every day lives. Previously,...
{poem + story} kiss on the beloved’s wrist.

{poem + story} kiss on the beloved’s wrist.

ask the hawk, he knows how you take my love across wild roses’ bedand tie the bottom corners to my ankles how i feel the fading, the silk, and the sweet scentof the deepening how morning shadows can stretch us,re-shape us, twist us, eventangle us but never break us...
Nuances, Kindness and The Art of Temperance

Nuances, Kindness and The Art of Temperance

Today I came across a quote by author Tom Cox: “The way the world is set up today, if you’re making art, music, writing books, even if you’re doing it well and making people happy, it’s so easy to feel you’re not doing enough because it’s so hard to earn a...
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