Today we’ll talk all about the health of our liver, balancing out the energy; we’ll go through some of the foods and exercise recommended for liver health at the end. But to begin, we need to first understand two main things 1. the wood element which is...
Here I am, in this beautiful perfumerie tucked away in the old city center of Havana, Cuba. I love perfume making, so today let’s talk about the wisdom of our senses, and especially, our sense of smell. We were all created with five basic senses: smell, taste,...
~ To love someone truly is to see them as they are ~ I was recently listening to a talk by a Christian monk who shared his personal journey into monasticism. He talked about his college years, and how it would have led him to a comfortable life with a high paying...
~ He reaches his hands through the soil, tempted by water, tempted by air; he reaches his hands through the soil, for merging ~ This is a beautiful aspect to have in synastry, as it shows a natural blending between two people, where both feel a depth of connection and...
~ Love thrives in the freedom to be ourselves in our togetherness ~ Today we’ll dive into the wildlands of a relationship through the lens of astrology, and we’ll discuss a very important and beautiful aspect in the composite chart, Sun trine Uranus. But...