Love is a seed of God, which then is nurtured within the church of our skin, within the home of our heart, so that we become a warm shelter for all, a light of love for all. Regardless of whether you are religious or not, prayer is one of the most beautiful and...
Our bodies speak the language of the moon. We wax and wane, and we all go through our cycles, just like the cycles of the land, and the moving waters of the waves – the ebbs and the flows. There is time for quietness and introspection, and there is time for...
The bear is beautiful animal often related to the north and the winter time; and has been present in many tales and lore throughout history and throughout many cultures. In most tales, we often see it refer to transformation and the unveiling of the true self, such as...
I am my beloved and my beloved’s mine ~ Song of Songs 6:3 As a spiritual astrologer I love blending various techniques and modalities for a deeper understanding of one self. If you’ve had a reading with me, you know that we go over the beauty of your path...
As a spiritual astrologer, and a lover of astronomy, one of the first things that I like to look at for my clients during an Astrology Soul Purpose Reading, is the visual of the sky under which they were born. For those of you interested, who want to dive all into...