Art of Love

: dedicated to deepening our human connections, so that we lead more spiritually and emotionally fulfilling lives; by exploring the wisdom and secrets of our ancestors, and unveiling the beauty beyond the veil and within ourselves.

Spirituality, Esotericism + Mysticism

Love is a Seed of God

Love is a Seed of God

When someone asks me what is the most powerful prayer of all, I say it is “I love you”. Love, and the beloved, is a seed of God, which then grows inside of us, in the church of skin, in the home of our heart, and we become the warm shelter for all …

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A little story about faith

A little story about faith

A woman once really longed to have a child with her husband. She was a practical person, or in her own words, “one who constantly doubts and is highly unlikely to believe anything too unconventional or beyond the rational mind” …

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How to Live Life as a Prayer

How to Live Life as a Prayer

To live life as a prayer essentially means to weave our heart, mind and body into more love and more intention – to allow emotion and soul to flow and shape through our hands, lips and every day gestures, as we come into more appreciation, trust, gratitude, connection, purpose, faith and tenderness …

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Petals and Pearls: How to Find Your Way Back to Each Other in Intimate Relationships

Petals and Pearls: How to Find Your Way Back to Each Other in Intimate Relationships

We delve into the silence-coldness dynamic and the distancer-pursuer cycle, discussing ways to come into more harmony and fulfillment in our relationships. We also discuss the masculine and feminine aspects of love, their different ways of expression, how to build trust and navigate through challenges, and how to find your way back to your partner, as well as how to thrive together in more love, deepening our intimacy …

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How To Walk The Beauty Way

How To Walk The Beauty Way

The Navajo have a philosophy of “Walking in Beauty”, which refers to the path of beauty as a way of reverence, or deep respect, for life: honouring the sacredness and interconnectedness in everything …

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