To understand the North Node in synastry we need to first understand its nature. And to understand the North Node, we must first understand its opposite, the South Node, as they are both part of the same thread; and every time you have a planet conjunct the North...
“Even in a room full of people, my eyes always search his, only to see him already looking at me. I love him watching me watch, my whole body burns.” When two souls meet and kiss, a third soul is born: the soul of the relationship. It has its own physical,...
“Some day—Scott—some day. Perhaps in a year—two—three—We’ll have that perfect hour! I want it—and so we’ll have it! It may be different then but after a while we would be brought back to the way I feel now…” —Ginevra King, Letter to F....
Karmic relationships are extremely difficult to deal with, and unfortunately a lot of people may find themselves in these hard situations feeling hopeless how to move forward or release the karma. In this article I’ll guide you through a Vedic astrology...
In my last article Pluto in Synastry, we talked about the nature of Plutonic relationships and the purpose of them in our life, so if you haven’t read that already I’d advice you to do so – because today we are continuing on from that discussion. Things to keep in...