Last time we talked about lust, and today let us talk about the other little monster speaking in our ear sometimes: pride. How do we overcome pride, and what is its real unmet need that we are actually seeking to fulfill in order to create more inner harmony and...
“Love is a knowing and of being known, a seeing and of being seen, not of flesh, but through the flesh.” Lust is one of the most common, and trickiest, of things that many people struggle with in life. While pleasure and physical connection are human needs...
Our beautiful wild roses are in full bloom, and as roses are all about love, let’s today talk about the Path to Love as seen through our Venus sequence in human design. I’ve previously written on it in my article What is Your Path to Love, and I also offer...
Today we’ll talk about the most difficult aspects in synastry, often called “red flags”. I’ve previously talked about Mars square Mars, Mars square Pluto, and Moon square Pluto in synastry, all of which are considered quite volatile. Such...
“in the you of you is the me of me is us, of us is love” ~ from “The God-like Things” by Lubomira Kourteva Every single one of our relationships in life are purposeful and essentially, they allow us an opportunity for a deepening. Often times...