Feminine energy is like water – it flows with ease. When we are aligned to our feminine energy, and flow through it, our life moves more easily and naturally, and our bodies too feel more calmness, joy and emotional balance. Think of water: when it comes across...
We were all created with five basic senses: smell, taste, sight, touch and hearing. While many people on a spiritual path are often motivated to develop their intuitive and psychic abilities, what I often tell my clients is that the path of intuitive development first...
I meet with many women in my work with clients and one of the things they often share is that while they are really successful financially, they often attract “weak men” or that they are experiencing unhappiness in their relationships and marriage. While...
A woman’s greatest power is subtle, it is quiet, it is immense; it is found in her ability to do nothing, to say “no” and to discern, because her energy is one of magnetic manifestation. Let’s start with a parable. When God was creating the...
To understand the essence of manifestation, and the power of feminine energy, femininity and womanhood, we must first understand that there are four levels of bringing something into being into our physical world: 1) making, 2) creating, 3) manifestation, and 4)...