{poem + story} the unnamed.

{poem + story} the unnamed.

what is the sun,if not a ball of fire? a flower knows the sun because it blooms,human skin knows the sun as it touches it,water knows the sun as it boils,and then tea too experiences the sun, and ice melts knowing the sun,and water nourishes the earth,and so earth too...
Natal Venus Inconjunct Uranus

Natal Venus Inconjunct Uranus

Love is about freedom within our bonding, and it is about accepting and supporting our unique selves; it is about giving our beloved the wings to fly in the way they need to, and loving all parts of them, wild, free and beautifully charmingly untamed. This is how...
Deeper Understanding of the Seven Virtues

Deeper Understanding of the Seven Virtues

Our beautiful apple tree is in full bloom, and I thought that today we can look into the meaning of things, the essence of things, the purpose of things – as we lift the veils for a deeper understanding of the seven virtues. The seven virtues are essentially a...
The Three Things Each Relationship Needs

The Three Things Each Relationship Needs

When two worlds meet, they touch, they kiss, and we find that love is not only felt in the hearts, it is known by the hands also. Soul kisses soul on the lips, and of their love a third soul is born: the soul of the relationship. There is you, there is me, and then...
How to Listen to Your Child’s Feelings, and Your Own

How to Listen to Your Child’s Feelings, and Your Own

According to psychologists, little children wake up in the middle of the night and go into their parent’s bedroom not to see whether the parents are there, but to see whether they are there. The repeatedness of this assures them of their existence. And this is...
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