Why do we love the people we love? Why do we feel inevitably pulled towards someone? Is there love at first sight? How are destiny, fate and karma woven into our human relationships? All of our relationships in this life have the potential to become meaningful...
Positano bites deep. It is a dream place that isn’t quite real when you are there and becomes beckoningly real after you have gone. ~ John Steinbeck These words were the first time I came across the name John Steinbeck; and it was around the time I was on my way to...
I am beloved, and my beloved’s mine ~ Song of Songs, 6:1-3 A man once went to his priest, asking for advice – sharing that he loved the woman he was with, and for the first time in his life he really wanted to get married, but was afraid of commitment and...
Welcome, dear reader, from our beautiful lilac bushes! Today we’ll talk about a very important word: gratitude. It’s one of the foundational stones upon which a lot of spirituality and the virtures are based upon. Just like we talked about presence and...
As I was browsing art today, I came across this beautiful photography by Nina Leen titled the Courage Test; and I thought what a great opportunity to write about the importance of presence and not hurrying – because this is what it looks like. It looks like...
While simplicity isn’t a virtue of itself, it is actually that which holds all others – it encompasses all virtues within itself, moves like air through them and ties them with a wind, a breeze, and holds them as if with a gentle hand. Simplicity...