In Jaimini’s degree-based karaka system, each of the seven planets from the Sun to Saturn represent the people in our life or a specific energy or area of life. I use the seven planets, but some people use an eight karaka system including Rahu. Our atmakaraka, the...
In astrology, our North Node often shows us our direction in life, what we’ve come here to form and shape as part of our soul’s desire and life’s work or purpose. In Shamanic astrology, we see the ascendant as our path of life, our sun is our fuel of...
“you are not moving, you are being moved you are not singing, you are being sungyou are not dancing, you are being dancedyou are being blessed, be blessings in turn” ~ from The God-like Things by Lubomira Kourteva In human design, the connection between...
As the Spanish open waters and hot off the beaten path island beaches call me, I thought we’d talk a little bit about what open and undefined centers are in human design, and we’ll discuss four of them: the ego/will, the emotional/solar plexus, the...
As I am shifting my eyes towards the beautiful waters and beaches of Capri and the Amalfi Coast, some of my most favourite places on earth, let’s talk about some sun vibes today, and how to unlock your radiance and what helps you stay healthy as seen through...
In Human Design there are 12 profiles, and each is made up of two of the six profile lines, which correspond to the six lines of the hexagram. Line 1 is the Investigator; line 2 is the Hermit; line 3 is the Martyr; line 4 is the Opportunist; line 5 is the Heretic; and...