The Evolution towards your Seventh House

The Evolution towards your Seventh House

I’ve shared with you about the seventh house many times on my website; we’ve looked at it from its Western perspective, from its Vedic perspective, from an Esoteric and Shamanic astrology perspective; we’ve analyzed it through a psychological...
Deeper Understanding of the Open Will/Ego Center in Human Design

Deeper Understanding of the Open Will/Ego Center in Human Design

The beauty of both astrology and human design are that they are sciences of differentiation – the insights you may receive from them are of the purpose to see your uniqueness, and appreciate yourself as you are, rather than being burdened by the conditioning of the...
Wisdom Set in Snow

Wisdom Set in Snow

Winter is a very important time and concept in spirituality, and in the path of life, which is why it’s often used in tales also. Our knowledge of winter is kind of a fragment of childhood; internal, innate and intuitive. We learn about it in magical ways from...
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