The Lines in Human Design: What is Your Offering to the World

The Lines in Human Design: What is Your Offering to the World

In human design we essentially have two birthdays: one shows our personality, mind or conscious design and is seen on the right side of our bodygraph; and the other shows our body or unconscious design and is seen on the left side of our bodygraph. Our personality or...
Know Thyself

Know Thyself

In the ancient mystery schools, the first thing that a priestess would have to do is devote many years of the learning know thyself and know the earth. Anything that would then approach her or that she’d see outside of herself was understood to be part of the...
Braiding Sweetgrass, and Our Invisible Powers

Braiding Sweetgrass, and Our Invisible Powers

Let’s begin today with the teaching of the sweetgrass. Sweetgrass grows all over the world and people have harvested and dried it for centuries. Many Native tribes in North America believe that sweetgrass is the hair of the mother earth and consider it a sacred...
Connect to the Senses

Connect to the Senses

We were all created with five basic senses: smell, taste, sight, touch and hearing. While many people on a spiritual path are often motivated to develop their intuitive and psychic abilities, what I often tell my clients is that the path of intuitive development first...
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