~ When the star of dusk and dawn join light to show us the bridge, two worlds touch and meet, and we find that love isn’t just felt in the hearts, it is known by our hands also ~

In March 2025, due to her special orbit that happens once every 8 years as part of the Rose of Venus synodic cycle, Venus will be visible, i.e. seen with the naked eye, as both a morning star after sunrise and then as evening star in our sky on the same day – making her a star of two skies, or a double star. Depending on where you are in the world you may be witness her this way whether for one day, or if you live quite north, for a short period of couple of weeks until March 23rd. On March 23rd is when she’ll reach her inferior conjunction, passing between the Sun and Earth, thereby becoming a morning star.

Usually, she makes her transition from evening to morning, and morning to evening, with one or few days being invisible because the rays of the Sun hide her from our eyes; but this time, because of the way she specially orbits, we will not lose sight of her – and in a lover’s special way, she’ll be a star of both skies, dusk and dawn kiss through a bridge, as she is visible both as evening and morning, without disappearing from the horizon.

So today let’s dive into the mystical worlds of Venus; I’ll start with briefly explaining the astronomy of this celestial event, as it is one we may know of only if we look up and follow the stars rather than looking into books. I’ll then show you the constellations she will be entering and the interpretations through my lens of being a spiritual astrologer on what this may mean for us.

The Rare Celestial Event of the Rose of Venus

Since Venus orbits closer to the Sun than Earth, for nearly all locations she is visible either in the evening after sunset (when we call her an evening star) or in the morning before sunrise (when we call her a morning star); but she is rarely seen as both on the same night.

In ancient times, because she was seen distinctly as either dusk or dawn star, people taught these were two separate stars or planets; and it was only until they witnessed her in these rare celestial events that they realized she was one all along. The star of dusk and the star of dawn now kiss and merge, revealing us a bridge visible to us of love.

It is a relatively rare event to see her as both, and that’s because at this current time the Sun and Venus are so-called misaligned. Venus’s orbital plane around the Sun is at an angle to the ecliptic, and the Earth’s orbital plane around the Sun. It is this geometry that allows for the misalignment to occur every once in a while, usually every eight years.

Venus transitions from the evening to the morning sky around the time when she passes between Earth and the Sun. This process is known as its inferior conjunction. She’s been an evening star for the past eight or so months, known as her Aphrodite phase, and she is now transitioning to becoming a morning star.

Usually, around the time of Venus’ inferior conjunction, we lose sight of her, and she becomes so-called invisible, because she comes too close to the Sun’s bright light in the sky and from our place here on earth we can’t see her in the sky with our naked eyes.

However, this time now, because of her special orbit and seeming “misalignment” of Venus and the Sun, she appears far enough north of the Sun, so she can be visible in both our evening and morning skies from certain locations. This creates her rare “double appearance” – a star of two skies – window before the inferior conjunction, which happens on March 23 this year.

This event is quite rare. As I shared with you in The Rose of Venus, Venus has specific rose-like patterns that repeat every eight years, connected to her synodic cycle, when the Venus and earth return to roughly the same point in their orbits. The last time we witnessed Venus at star of two skies in her double appearance was in March 2017.

The current cycle and petal of Rose of Venus

The new Rose of Venus eight year cycle began on June 2020, with the inferior conjunction taking place in the Tropical Gemini sign. Each Rose of Venus consists of five petals i.e. five Venus phase cycles, consisting of her various phases such as retrograde, conjunctions and morning and evening stars, and her dance with Mars also.   

We are currently putting the final touches of shaping the third petal into its fullness, which phase began on August 2023; and on March 23rd with the inferior conjunction we’ll begin the forth phase and forth petal of her rose in the Tropical sign of Aries. The rose of Venus full eight year cycle will be fully wrapped and shaped into the rose in May 2028, after which she will begin a new rose, marking a new series of five cycles and eight years. 

How will Venus be seen in our sky as borh morning and evening star on the same day?

Venus in the morning sky before sunrise

On the same day, Venus in the evening sky surrounded by the stars

Pictured above are how Venus will be seen in the sky with our naked eyes from certain locations on earth, such as the northern parts of Canada, London and Scandinavia. The northern you are, the more days and nights you may witness her as a double star. The first photo shows her as morning star in the sky right before sunrise, and then on the same day you may see her as evening star in the night sky with the stars surrounding her. 

The Spiritual Symbolism

From a spiritual perspective, this is quite an important celestial event, because the first thing we see is that Venus doesn’t disappear from our eyes – she doesn’t become invisible as she transitions in her morning star phase.

The goddess of love reminds us that she is here and will not disappear even amidst the most powerful sun rays. She doesn’t need to die and be reborn, remaining invisible to us for a while – she will not do that this time. She doesn’t need to go through the Inanna and Ishtar underworld lessons each time; she doesn’t need to resurrect after being lost or unseen, because she’s immortal and always has been. She holds her light high enough and shows her immortality and gentle glory. We see her immortal. We see love eternal. We see the triumph of all Venus things such as spiritual love, values, peace, harmony, generosity, nature, beauty, high morals, the truth of the heart, the ability to love.

Her immortal double star symbolism reminds us that it is not needed for her to disappear in order for us to appreciate love, peace, harmony and emotional maturity. We don’t need to keep going through obstacles and struggles and challenges in order to grow spiritually or learn lessons. We don’t need to move through darkness to awaken ourselves into the remembering of her. We don’t need to freeze the lands, or dry them or starve them, in order to remember flowers, beauty, abundance, and affirm life. We don’t need to destroy to create. We don’t need to fight all the time, and be stripped down to rise. We can just allow her into the temple of God within us, into the home of our heart, and let her awaken our inner temple; and let us too carry an eternal flame within us.

We don’t need to destroy to learn love; we don’t need darkness to know love; we don’t need to keep learning through hardships. Humanity seems to love to learn through hardships, which is why it repeats the same lessons over and over again, repeating history and resisting to just grow up and change. It’s time to grow up, because we are not children. We don’t need to constantly learn the same lessons, we don’t need to constantly burn our hands on the oven; let’s use the intelligence of our heart and come into our maturity. There’s no need to play these games, whether love games, relationship games, world affair games.

The goddess of love reminds us she is here, visible for us to see with our naked eyes, and she will hold us in continuous light guiding us forward. Love is what holds us, raises us, lifts us up; and we too must hold each other, raise each other, lift each other up. We must become the hands of love, lips of love, rhythm and movement of love.

Let’s look at where she is currently traveling in the sky and constellations, and I’ll use Stellarium, turning on the constellation art to make it easier to understand for those of you who don’t know which fixed stars relate to which constellations.

Venus is currently in a part of the sky where we enter the lunar mansion combining γ “Algenib” of Pegasus and α “Alpheratz” of Andromeda – i.e. combining stars of two constellations: Pegasus and Andromeda. The joining of the these two constellation gives this part of the sky an energy of a cosmic bridge, and Venus, as the star of two skies now, shines a light upon the bridge for all of us to now see more clearly.

The astronomical Pegasus constellation is symbolized by the winged horse, and she is upon his wings now; and the Andromeda constellation is located in the Andromeda galaxy. Even though this galaxy is over 2.5 million light years from our Milky Way, it is the only other spiral galaxy we can see from earth with the naked eye.

Whenever I see Pegasus, I often think of one of the tales in One Thousand and One Nights, called The Ebony Horse. This story was written many years before humans ever even imagined they’d fly someday with planes; in the tale, a horse made of wood was magically created to fly, and a prince got up on it, flying far and away, until the horse decided to land. It landed in a far distant kingdom, and there in the courtyard of the palace itself, the prince fell in love at first sight with a woman who turned out to be the princess. They both had been dreaming of each other, longing for each other, praying for each other their entire lives, and as if by magic, or destiny, they had finally met and it’s if they’ve always loved each other. The story is long, but despite the differences and resistances from others, and all the obstacles, they end up together in the end.

Pegasus reminds me of this story always, because this too is a horse that flies and takes us away to lands unknown to us – it takes us somewhere beyond the boundaries of our known. Pegasus reaches to not just another constellation – he reaches to another galaxy; but it’s not just about the wings or magical horses or airplanes, it is about our willingness to see things from a different perspective and expand in our perceptions also; it is about opening ourselves to possibility and having the courage of soul, the courage that the true desires of our heart gives us in order to take the steps into the wild unknown and follow this calling. Love-pulled, heart-led, trust-led, we’ll get there.

Venus’ father is Uranus, and when he was castrated and his blood through into the oceans, she was born of foam as she is immortal, eternal. But this carries deep symbolism – because Uranus is about authenticity and the freedom to be our true self, releasing our true fragrance and inner essence, as we move towards our higher calling. Love needs freedom to thrive, and it is about truth. To meet your soulmate you must first meet your soul, and together, you will support each others’ soul paths and higher purpose.   

In the Tropical zodiac

In the Tropical zodiac Venus is currently transiting the sign of Aries, which is where this event is happening in, and she’s been retrograde. Retrograde motions essentially are about seeking deeper within, or relate to our past, whether this life or past lives, and the karmic impulses or deep memories pulling us forward. In karmic astrology, retrograde planets are opportunities for a deepening and self knowledge, and reflecting on whether or not you may wish to continue in the same way of doing things or embody a new way, new thinking, new perception.

Aries is cardinal fire, and Venus in her essence is about reciprocity; so it depends on your own natal chart and level of self awareness and inner development, but on a collective level this is about our ability to know how to harness and master the energy of fire. Fire is a powerful element – we can either burn the house or make a nice meal and warm up the hearth to cuddle up.

Our world is interdependent, and as Venus restores balance and is about reciprocity, Venus through the expression of fire asks us: How do we encourage and empower others? How do we protect their dignity and honour? Do we only seek for ourselves, crossing the boundaries of others to take what isn’t ours to take, or can we be more selfless and act of virtue and integrity? How do we support others, hold them, raise them, lift them up? Do we use our fire to help or destroy others? Do we focus our vitality of energy, motivation and passion with intention and purpose? Do we give all of our fire away – giving our energy, vitality to others, and then feel drained and unwell, and frozen out in the cold? How can we be more discerning with whom we spend our time and energy with?

The shamanic archetype associated with Venus in Aries is the virgin goddess, wild woman, and connects to Greek goddess Artemis – who was one of the virgin goddesses, a huntress, fierce protector of nature and wildlife, and protector of children, women and childbirth.

The undertones of Mars are powerful here, especially in this part of the sky connecting borders and boundaries; Mars is a warrior but he is also a lover, and so, it depends on whether or not we choose to express his higher manifestation of energy. In his higher manifestation, he is one of integrity, honour and dignity, he respects others and protects their honour and protects the more vulnerable in society. As a fair protector, he doesn’t cross the borders and boundaries to take what isn’t his; he isn’t driven by selfishness in his higher expression of energy, and he is a master of fire, disciplined, mature, patient and with integrity, and using his power and knowledge for good and the benefit of humanity.

In a world already so divided and tense, going down the same path of same old lessons, as if history was been forgotten, it is up to us to choose whether we’d like to have our story in loversland or the battlefield; it is only up to us to choose and put our effort into developing and embodying the higher manifestations of energy. Venus is a sphere of high consciousness, and her light shines brightly to expose the inner self beneath the masks people wear.

Love is a bridge

Love is what creates a bridge. It is what pulls us to reach our hands across the lines that separate us. It takes courage. It takes humility. But love is a kingdom for the brave. And love is rebellious – it always wins. Aphrodite’s, or Venus’, father is Uranus – and this is what spark of life itself; it is about authenticity and freedom from things that bind us and limit our true inner self and heart’s truth.

Love is what creates a bridge. And Venus is shining a light bright on this, reminding us there is no need to repeat the same old hardships or walk through darkness or play games or see her disappear in order to appreciate her – no, enough with this already. The bridge is here for those who seek to rise and mature, and take the higher path, and choose the real and true.

Seeing her seamlessly and harmoniously move from night to day, triumphing in her immortality, reminds us too of the harmony and unity that are her essence, and of the eternal power of love, peace and truth. We don’t need to close our eyes and tune into her wisdom, we can see her now high and bright; and through this seeing, may we also perceive her through our heart’s eyes also, aspiring to become her hands, lips and gestures of love, love embodied, love moved and moving.

When the hands of dusk kiss the arms of dawn, the path is revealed because all merges in true love’s light. Two worlds touch and kiss, and we find that love is not just a thing felt in the hearts, it is known by our hands also. When we follow the bright star above and the bright star within us, two becomes one flame.

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Cover art by Fritz Zuber-Buhler, Birth of Venus, 1877.

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