as still
moon water
in a serene cast iron teapot,
as a ring
unthought, undreamt
from the ineffable
A little more:
Today I was playing around with some black and white visual effects with an photo of mine from my beloved sea – ah, I love my sea!
And for this minimalist poem, I was imagining a couple deeply in love, tucked away somewhere in Iceland, perhaps somewhere in the tiny private Vik, where one of my favourite beaches is. I was imagining a marriage proposal, very intimate, very sweet, and very – everything. In honesty, heart and entirety. Two souls, woven from the same cosmic fabric, have said ‘yes’ to one another, to create a new soul born of their love: the soul of their relationship. Called by a voice older than us, more ancient than time and earth, from a time before time beyond time, they came together in this life again and found each other, again. To kiss again, to marry again. To walk hand in hand, weaving their destinies under the bright Northern star. In trust, love and entirety.

The above includes excerpts from my book, all rights reserved and subject to copyright.
You can read more of my poems and musings in my {poem + story} series.
You can also visit my poems page to read poems from my first two books, check out my two love poetry books, Moonhold (2019) and The God-like Things (2021), and listen to my spoken word while musing over some of my videos and photography.
I love what I do, I love to create and to contribute, and if you want to support me and my work of love (and my upcoming new book of poetry!), you can do so by sharing my articles and poems, buy my books, or donate some magic coins in my hat on Paypal. If you would like to work with me, hire me or collaborate, feel free to check out my Offerings or contact me directly.
Your support means so much to me! Thank you wholeheartedly!