Wellness Guide for Mind, Body, Emotions and Soul

Wellness Guide for Mind, Body, Emotions and Soul

The best healer of all is love.  We’ve hopefully come to a point in our human evolution that we have remembered how well-being is a holistic way of love – how we must tend to all parts of us continuously and consistently, and show our care for the entirety...
How to Live Life as a Prayer

How to Live Life as a Prayer

If you are made more generous, more open, more kind, it is sacred – it is good love – it is your right way forward.  When I think of what does living a purposeful and fulfilled life mean – I think of living life as a prayer. Prayer brings us into...
How To Walk The Beauty Way

How To Walk The Beauty Way

“To make your lips beautiful, speak only good words. To make your eyes beautiful, look for the good in another person. To make your body slim, share food with the hungry. For the beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, neither in her figure nor her...
The Brilliancy of Feelings

The Brilliancy of Feelings

Hold my hand, and let me take you into the brilliancy of your feelings. Our feelings are our inner compass; our navigation system which mainly consists of two primary feelings, “safe” or “unsafe”. This system is what helps us to go through life...
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