When Hawks Fly and Eternal Lovers Meet

When Hawks Fly and Eternal Lovers Meet

ask the hawk, he knows how you take my love across wild roses’ bedand tie the bottom corners to my ankles how shadows can stretch us, twist us,re-shape us, eventangle us but never break us how soul touches soul on the lips and you take my wristknowing it’s...

as if souls twin

let me be a while yet as if i’ve unforgotten to stay voices like hands, solid as if we’ve remembered how to touch winter, once when even ice curls around the rocking hearts and the wild, plunging us deeper into deeper souls twin like our childhood diaries remembering...
Sacred Relationships and How to Build Them

Sacred Relationships and How to Build Them

Love is everything.  It is not confined to a definition or a list. It is what gives life meaning. It is not an emotion, even though it feels so sweetly. It is a verb because we need to treasure it, nurture it and care for it – to experience it. Love is what makes...
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