The Gift of The Magi: Love, Selflessness and The Eternal Virgin

The Gift of The Magi: Love, Selflessness and The Eternal Virgin

This is what love looks like. The image above is the original cover art of one the most beloved short stories of all times “The Gift of The Magi” (1905) written by O. Henry. I’ve loved it since the day I first read it because it is story about the...
What True Love Really Is

What True Love Really Is

The great theologian and philosopher, Augustine once defined love as “Amo: Volo Ut Sis”. Translated from Latin, this means “I Love: I Will That You Are”. What this statement implies is that the only thing love requires is for us to just “be”; as love is...
The Dandelion Girl: Love Transcends Time

The Dandelion Girl: Love Transcends Time

“The day before yesterday I saw a rabbit, and yesterday a deer, and today, you” The Dandelion Girl by Robert F. Young Love is a sense of being; it is everything. It weaves and spreads and weaves beneath the ground, pulling the souls of our feet, until one...
What Sleeping Beauty Knows

What Sleeping Beauty Knows

This is part of my folklore + myth series “The Story Threads” where we look at various tales, lore and myth, remembering the wisdoms they hold, and how they can whisper us into more love, more light, more insight in our every day lives. Previously, we’ve discussed The...
Eros & Psyche: Breathe Life Into The Desires of Your Soul

Eros & Psyche: Breathe Life Into The Desires of Your Soul

“I am the secret clear stream running beneath the surface of the earth and you are my constant dream, love of my soul running with me beneath the surface of the earth. We are Eros and Psyche.” Recently, I was writing a poem prompt on the word...
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