{poem + story} a november night.

{poem + story} a november night.

silver,as stillmoon waterin a serene cast iron teapot,as a ringunthought, undreamtclothedfrom the ineffable A little more: Today I was playing around with some black and white visual effects with an photo of mine from my beloved sea – ah, I love my sea! And for...
{poem + story} you smell like moonlight on my skin.

{poem + story} you smell like moonlight on my skin.

your bared moonlit handson my bared moonlit skinon my purest more sacred thoughtson my purest faithfulnessand i, a never-ending necklace of your slow kissing lipspausing only for a breathing spirit breathingprayer of your hands in the church of skinyou and i forever...
{poem + story} i want to marry you in blue.

{poem + story} i want to marry you in blue.

i want to marry you in blue blue,as moon waterin a clay cobalt cupas tendernessand passionin blue seaswith salts and stars on our skinsi want to marry youand when i say marry i mean our lipsto become a kiss,a vow,an oathand your eyes taking me inand your handsour...
Beauty and Her Beast

Beauty and Her Beast

What happens when two worlds touch? They kiss. And we find that love is not only felt in the hearts, it is known by the hands also. Beauty and the Beast by Angela Barrett The Wild Marriage is a narrative often explored in folk, tale and myth. Animal bridegroom stories...
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