Why Children Need Fairytales for Their Wellbeing

Why Children Need Fairytales for Their Wellbeing

Let’s delve into the magical world of a child’s mind and the paths they walk with their beloved fairy tale friends. Despite the digital world that we live in today, fairy tales are still important as they carry important benefits for children’s well-being. Tales speak...
Weaving Life: Spindle, Shuttle and Needle

Weaving Life: Spindle, Shuttle and Needle

“…and so I run fast over the wild lands of returning paths, destiny chasing my heels, I enter changing woman weaving house where the possibilities of all worlds are everywhere; weaving the integrity of emeralds, sacred lovers, tenderness in tents and the...
The Dandelion Girl: Love Transcends Time

The Dandelion Girl: Love Transcends Time

“The day before yesterday I saw a rabbit, and yesterday a deer, and today, you” The Dandelion Girl by Robert F. Young Love is a sense of being; it is everything. It weaves and spreads and weaves beneath the ground, pulling the souls of our feet, until one...
Love Letter: When The Worlds Kiss

Love Letter: When The Worlds Kiss

Dear Miracle, Yes, you! The Christmas season is here and regardless of religion or spiritual belief, this is a sacred time when we celebrate the biggest miracle of all; the birth of a child, the birth of love. And we are all miracles. It is through our childlike eyes...
Love & Prayer

Love & Prayer

“Palm to palm is holy palmers’ kiss.” ~ Romeo & Juliet, William Shakespeare Love is sacred and powerful. Like prayer. Both require strong faith and trust into which we surrender. There is incredible power to this kind of devotion; of a deeply...
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