Composite Sun Trine Uranus, the Freedom to be Ourselves

Composite Sun Trine Uranus, the Freedom to be Ourselves

~ Love thrives in the freedom to be ourselves in our togetherness ~ Today we’ll dive into the wildlands of a relationship through the lens of astrology, and we’ll discuss a very important and beautiful aspect in the composite chart, Sun trine Uranus. But...
Composite Venus Sextile Pluto, Sweet, Intimate, Fated Love

Composite Venus Sextile Pluto, Sweet, Intimate, Fated Love

~ There is no love without vulnerability ~ Today we’ll dive into the worlds of relationship compatibility through the lens of astrology, and we’ll discuss one of the most beautiful aspects you may come across in a composite chart, Venus sextile Pluto. But...
Mysticism and Poetry

Mysticism and Poetry

Poetry is the fine art of using imagery to inspire a universe of feelings within, which draw a response from our psyche. It the language of the mystic, the path towards seeing that beyond the seen, the opening and bridge that allows an opportunity for a deepening, the...
Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

O come all ye faithful Joyful and triumphant O come ye, o come ye to Bethlehem Come and behold Him Born the King of Angels O come let us adore Him O come let us adore Him Christ, the Lord O come all ye faithful Come let us adore Him O come all ye faithful Come let us...
What Mary Knows

What Mary Knows

Thousands of years ago, in a land far away called Galilee, lived as married Anna, born in Bethlehem, and Joachim from Nazareth. Both of pure and good hearts always deeply longed for a child but years passed and had remained childless in old age. One day Joachim went...
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