Crisis of Consciousness and The Relationship to The Inner Child

Crisis of Consciousness and The Relationship to The Inner Child

Myths, stories and tales work in our subconscious as a vehicle of remembering, of initiating, and of awakening. They follow basic human archetypes, reflecting our human condition. They awaken parts of our psyche, of our abilities and retrace a shared part of humanity,...
What True Love Really Is

What True Love Really Is

The great theologian and philosopher, Augustine once defined love as “Amo: Volo Ut Sis”. Translated from Latin, this means “I Love: I Will That You Are”. What this statement implies is that the only thing love requires is for us to just “be”; as love is...
On The Importance of Delayed Gratification

On The Importance of Delayed Gratification

Things take time. It’s something we might have forgotten. We live in a fast paced world and we have many platforms from which we can get instant gratification. And that’s very satisfying and very addictive. So much so, that when we are faced with real...
Costly Signaling Theory + Relationship Accountability

Costly Signaling Theory + Relationship Accountability

In a spiritual book that I once read many years ago, was the story about the girl in the tower and the man who loved her: “”Tell me what you want and I’ll do it,” he said to the girl in the tower. He had everything and he gave her everything...
Signs of Emotional Immaturity

Signs of Emotional Immaturity

One of the most important things needed to have a healthy relationship that is fulfilling, intimate and long-lasting, is the ability to deal with the hard times, and the struggles and conflicts. And this requires emotional maturity and self-awareness. Avoiding,...
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