As a spiritual astrologer, when I dive into the relationship lands of my clients, analyzing synastry and the composite charts, one of the greatest insights that they can deepen into is the purpose of why they met; this allows each individual insight into their unique...
As a spiritual astrologer, and a lover of astronomy, one of the first things that I like to look at for my clients during an Astrology Soul Purpose Reading, is the visual of the sky under which they were born. For those of you interested, who want to dive all into...
I was recently listening to a talk by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, and a person from the audience asked him, “Guruji, is marriage free will or destiny?” Sri Sri Ravi Shankar smiled and said funnily, “Well, if it’s working it’s free will, and if...
In human design we essentially have two birthdays: one shows our personality, mind or conscious design and is seen on the right side of our bodygraph; and the other shows our body or unconscious design and is seen on the left side of our bodygraph. Our personality or...
“you are not moving, you are being moved you are not singing, you are being sungyou are not dancing, you are being dancedyou are being blessed, be blessings in turn” ~ from The God-like Things by Lubomira Kourteva There is abundance of tales, lore and myth across many...