O come all ye faithful Joyful and triumphant O come ye, o come ye to Bethlehem Come and behold Him Born the King of Angels O come let us adore Him O come let us adore Him Christ, the Lord O come all ye faithful Come let us adore Him O come all ye faithful Come let us...
With quiet gentle steps, Christmas arrives. And it’s time for magical tales told around the fireplaces. Christmas eve is mystical. It is holy. It is the eve when a child was born, under the brightest star, in the sweetness of a manger and in the loving arms of...
On holy night, stars aligned in mystical ways, and under the brightest one a child was born. Born of patience and of faith, wrapped warmly lying in a manger and held in his parents’ loving arms, this baby boy opened his wide beautiful eyes of heaven’s...
Dearest readers, We entered the month of December – the month of love, of heart and hearth, and of true magic. This is the time when stars aligned and under the brightest one, a baby was born, one who grew up to then become one of the greatest teachers of the...
Dear heart, Thank you for being here with me this past year, reading my works of love, and sharing my poems, essays and writings. It’s been such joy to see my readers from all around the world: UK, Germany, Italy, Belgium, Iceland, Finland, Sweden, Norway,...