Approaching Life with the Beginner’s Mind

Approaching Life with the Beginner’s Mind

Shoshin (Japanese: 初心) is a concept from Zen Buddhism meaning beginner’s mind. It refers to approaching life through openness, curiosity, and freeing ourselves of preconceptions no matter how much we may think we know something or someone. While shoshin is...
Jupiter, the Bridegroom, the Man a Woman Needs

Jupiter, the Bridegroom, the Man a Woman Needs

Through the doorways of spiritual astrology there are quite a few insights we may see for our romantic relationships and our right spouse or significant partner in this life who will serve our inner growth and soul evolution. Through Shamanic astrology we look at the...
The Importance of Timing in Relationships

The Importance of Timing in Relationships

Beyond the hands of our human made clocks are the other clocks; with hands unclockable, unstrikable by us. There, time is a matter of timing. While we may still be perceiving relationships as ways to give us pleasure, happiness or some sense of mundane purpose, the...
The Beloved, and the Four Principles that Sustain Relationships

The Beloved, and the Four Principles that Sustain Relationships

A relationship is like an ocean – when one partner goes through the big waves, the other is there calmer holding their hand, and when the other is then taken by the waves, the first is now there to hold them calmly. But no matter the waves, no matter the winters...
The Three Things Each Relationship Needs

The Three Things Each Relationship Needs

When two worlds meet, they touch, they kiss, and we find that love is not only felt in the hearts, it is known by the hands also. Soul kisses soul on the lips, and of their love a third soul is born: the soul of the relationship. There is you, there is me, and then...
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