The Cherokee Story of Two Wolves

The Cherokee Story of Two Wolves

There is an old Native American tale – the tale of two wolves fighting. It is a tale of great insight and great meaning. An old Cherokee decided to teach his grandson a great wisdom, so he sat him down and said: “There is a terrible fight within me, my...
Faces of God: Holding Life through its Waving Phases

Faces of God: Holding Life through its Waving Phases

“Why do people suffer? Is it karma? What is the purpose of suffering?” people sometimes ask me. And I ask myself that too. I never liked talking about this and I don’t feel it’s appropriate to talk to someone about their karma. In fact, I think...
Nothing is as it Looks, as Reminded by a Sparrow

Nothing is as it Looks, as Reminded by a Sparrow

As I pass through the backyard heading home I see a little sparrow lying on the walkway. Not moving. I kneel next to it as my heart sinks hoping it’d move and fly away; hoping it isn’t dead but may be it is just … resting? But still, the sparrow is not moving. I look...
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