I am a dreamer. What’s possible or impossible is not my business – it is up to God and nature. But what is up to me is to keep dreaming, keep imagining, keep trusting and believing, keep working towards it and keep persevering, and do the best I can along...
I go to a box, tucked away in my closet. I open the box. Inside it, a hundred handwritten letters. Letters I’ve received, letters I’ve written, emotions and thoughts and inner worlds expressed through the beauty and richness of words – emotions and...
Today let’s talk about a question I recently received, “Are prayer and meditation the same? What is the difference between them?” In short – no, they are not the same. While both experiences share many similarities and play important roles in...
Zen Buddhist monk Thich Nhat Hanh once said, “If I have to choose between peace and Buddhism, I choose peace.” This is called spiritual maturity. Thich Nhat Hanh’s statement is beautiful, meaningful and powerful, and he explained that it is very...
In his book The Psychologist’s Eat-Anything Diet, Dr. Leonard Pearson speaks of food liberation, and essentially, the importance of listening to our body. And today I’ll share with you a very interesting concept in his book, which speaks of humming foods...
Have you witnessed water actually begin? Like when a pipe bursts. Or when an axe hits the ground and clean water bulges from the earth. Pure, true. It’s perfect. And it’s as if we’ve opened the desert. In his book The Secret Knowledge of Water, Craig...