Today we’ll move along the Venus Sequence of your Path to Love and explore what your beliefs may be that are affecting your relationships – how to understand the intention behind certain actions, what is the beauty and gifts of your mind, and how to deepen into more fulfillment within your relationships. 

Our Venus Sequence, also known as the Path to Love, is essentially about how we can open our heart and come into our greatest expression of love in this life. Through the beautiful marriage of the gene keys and human design, we follow the sequence with Venus in its heart, which is essentially a journey, a path, into love; we see how we approach love, what our beliefs are, how we attract people into our energy field, what are our fears about love and what may limit us, and how we can release these fears and limitations, and deepen into love through the greatest expression of our heart. 

Please know and understand that the Venus Sequence is not something to be limited to specific definitions and descriptions because it’s multi-layered and deeply personalized to each individual; this is merely a guide on how to understand what it may show you. For personal readings with me, you are welcome to browse through my Offerings. You can also book directly the Path to Love Reading

We previously talked about the unconscious Moon, which shows how we attract people on our path to love through our energy field and expression of higher self; and from that point we then move into the conscious Venus, which shows what beliefs may be affecting our relationships, because this is essentially the space of our mind on our journey into love. This can also show the power of our mind to control our emotions, and what the mental motivations for our actions may be. The conscious Venus is also known as the Sphere of the IQ.

This is actually an important space of our Venus Sequence because it connects the Attractor field, or Sphere of Attraction, to our IQ, mind and mental space – and this bridge of connection is called the Pathway of Karma. From the dharma we flow into the karma, which putting simply means that we release karma through our attraction field, and our dharma manifests in our life through our karma.

There are six lines within the sphere of the conscious Venus, which can show various expressions and manifestations, such as objective mind, flexible mind and influential mind. Each of the six lines of expressions have three levels of manifestations: shadow (our challenge), gift (our creativity) or siddhi (our essence); and naturally, with more self awareness and inner development we are able to step into its highest possible manifestation the siddhi.

So let’s go through an example.

Suppose your conscious Venus is at gate 39, through the line 3.

Gate 39 in human design is what I’d call the sacred provocateur. It’s a gate of applying energy into “provoking” a feeling to emote. It seeks to inspire or trigger, depending on the expression and manifestation level, spirit and passion in themselves and others around them. The underlying intention is actually to provoke responsibility in people; and through its provocation to create dynamism while also seeing who is right for it and who isn’t.

Said in another way, your mere presence inspires something deep in other people – it can feel stimulating, empowering, though for some people they may feel triggered by you. You can sometimes say something unexpectedly in the middle of some conversations just to rock teh energy a little and see how others react; and some people may love it while others may not depending on who they are and their own emotional maturity and ability to be flexible. You can be quite unconventional and quirky but that’s because you are here to inspire something new or infuse new insights and energy into situations and unstuck people, shake up their views into more openness and open up pathways for true acceptance; and through your energy you actually stimulate or provoke others to step into their self responsibility. 

With this gate channel, you may often create a sense of channeled fire which may be felt as provocation in people, just to see how people react and from the reactions or responses to discern who is right for them and who isn’t. So your intention is actually to have a bit of a screening process of who is right for you i.e. who accepts you for you and who is responsible or mature enough to embrace people’s uniqueness.

So in order to discern who is their right partner or people in their life, people with this gate may sometimes act unconventionally or just express their unique ideas and quirks to see how others react and whether they are accepted for who they truly are – but also – it is to see the strength of another person. People with this gate are usually very strong, unique, brave and independent, they are like jaguars, and as such, they seek their right partner and people who are also well rounded and strong individuals who can match them in energy. So through their “provocations” they are essentially doing a screening process; and that’s usually because they can have quite a few suitors in life, depending on their attraction field that leads to this gate, and they may often be in love and loved by others, so they need to do their “screening process”. Usually, they also have a purpose related to being a leader or paving the path for others, so they do need their strong willed energy which doesn’t fall into people pleasing modes.

The people pleasing is their challenge and shadow side, so they need to be mindful not to fall into this; and the other shadow is to just go on the other extreme of being provocative or provoking others for no reason. They need to be mindful of using this energy wisely, and not to separate themselves from others in life through provoking them and then feeling guilty or embarrassed about their actions.

With this gate the intention is discernment and seeing if someone is responsible enough to step up as your partner and be in your life.

You are essentially someone who is seeking your right spirit partner and with the line 3 of the flexible open mind you can be quite brilliant and embracing of people of all kinds. You accept others as they are, with all their quirks and uniqueness and encourage them to be who they truly are – and you understand that this is what love is; love is about the freedom to be our true selves and it thrives in this acceptance and freedom. You deeply believe that we as humanity should be accepted for our quirks and individualities and uniqueness because this is what creates our beautiful nuanced world – so through your “provocations” you are actually seeking light minded spirits as you, who are also non-judgmental and embracing.

Focus on finding the right people for you, and rely on your attraction field energy and the higher expression of your heart, shown by your unconscious Venus, to see the higher love expressions that you can move through and reach the hearts of others. Don’t stay with people who suppress you, and instead of falling into perpetual cycles or mind games of provocations, understand that what you are seeking is just someone who is right for you and supportive of your true self – so when someone isn’t, don’t continue testing them, just accept it and move on.

In other words, this is about recognition rather than provocation. Recognition comes from self awareness, and once you know yourself you’ll make more discerning choices. To meet our soulmate we must first meet our soul. This isn’t about changing your unique quirks and talents and who you are – this is about recognizing who you are, accepting and embracing yourself, and thereby knowing how to make the decisions and discernments with others. You shouldn’t feel suppressed, oppressed, embarrassed or guilty about your unique self, you should feel like your true self. If you like tapping your feet while eating, well that’s who you are, and you can’t betray yourself nor your values. So choose wisely based on who accepts your real you and who is able to step up in responsibility and maturity level.

The highest manifestation of this gate is liberation, i.e. the freedom to be yourself and be loved for your true self and your natural flow. The power of your flexible and open mind and through the channelled fire of your actions inspires responsibility in other people towards self knowledge also. So even your “provocations” may often work in ways to inspire responsibility in others; but mainly, your dharma works through your own ability to be self responsible and emotionally mature.

What you are here to truly provoke is passion and spirit in people and in life, aligned with clarity of mind and higher values and moral compass, provoking heightened states of emotional and spiritual awareness, taking full responsibility of emotions – and realizing where you may be taking on other people’s emotions and responsibility for their emotions as your own. It is not your responsibility to take responsibility for others’ lack of responsibility. You need to set clear boundaries with people and give them back their own responsibilities and opportunities for maturity.

With the line 3 and having a flexible mind that is embracing and dissolving boundaries, you can sometimes be a bit too kind hearted and accepting of behaviours that aren’t very good; so this is why it’s actually healthy for you to have your internal screening process with the provocation to see whether others are also accepting of you. You may sometimes get a little bored, so creative understanding is needed as you need creativity and stimulation for your wonderful mind.

If you find yourself having patterns of non-commitment, the root of this may be because of early conditioning of jumping from one thing to another without really embracing the opportunities of your mind and creativity. This may also give the shadow expression of elusiveness – which means that others may sometimes perceive you as you not really giving straight answers. This is a mental pattern that has learned to avoid the real issue by becoming adept at deflecting attention away from itself. The key to work through this is awareness.

With the line 3 in its higher expression you can be deeply sympathetic or empathetic to others, and others may often feel deeply understood and seen by you. This 3rd line is also quite invaluable in strategic thinking and problem solving, because it is so absorbent and open that it can help others in all kinds of ways. It may also have an unusually amazing memory with the ability to access all kinds of wonderful information and insights when needed, and all these can be amazing in all kinds in life, whether personally in relationships, creatively and also professionally.

Your sympathetic and compassionate thinking for others can open all kinds of possibilities and with your openness you can dissolve many boundaries of fixed or stuck thinking in society also. You have the ability to make people feel understood, seen and accepted by you, and this truly is one of the greatest gifts we can give others in our life – and that’s what love is in its essence.

For personal readings with me, please visit my Offerings.

For more of my writings, browse through my Art of Love.

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