The Venus sequence is essentially about opening our heart, and through it, we follow the path to love. It is an inner journey that we are taken on throughout our life, a journey into love, and along the way it also shows us the purpose of our relationships in this life, our greatest gifts and potentials, why we might fear love or what our worries and shadow or unconscious sides might be; and as we learn to release these, we deepen into love and are aligned to our soul’s purpose also.

The Venus sequence begins with our purpose or dharma, which is found through our unconscious earth gate. Through this sphere we come into greater understanding of what the purpose of our relationships is in this life, our gifts and shadows, and how relationships are helping us towards the fulfillment of our soul’s desire and our self development. Next on our path is our point of attraction, which is our unconscious moon doorway, symbolizing how we attract people in our life, and this is also connected to our sexual and sensual nature also. The sequence then flows into what is known as our karma or our conscious Venus, showing our thought patterns and behaviours of our mental body; and also shows our intelligence, the power of our mind, and our ability to balance our emotions and settle ourselves into inner harmony. Next we move into our conscious Mars, which is connected to our emotional wellbeing and emotional capacity to love, and it may show where in our life we may be seeking freedom and more playfulness.

This line of love then flows us into our unconscious Venus, which sits at the heart of the sequence showing us our pathway to love – how we can open our heart to others and how we can create fulfilling relationships. It also shows the highest expression of our heart. And this all takes us into realization and wholeness – as the last part of our Venus sequence is our unconscious Mars, also known as our core – showing both our core wound or shadow side, as well as our greatest gift and potential that we can offer to others.

Each sphere along the sequence has its lines as expressions, and all also have three levels of manifestation: shadow (challenge), gift (creativity) and siddhi (essence). Self awareness and inner growth are what allows us to come into the higher expressions of each sphere and aspect within us, move away from the shadow expressions and experience ourselves and our relationships in deeper and more fulfilling ways. 

Today we’ll enter right into the heart of the Venus sequence: the unconscious Venus, our pathway to love, and what is the highest expression of our heart.

Please know and understand that the Venus Sequence is not something to be limited to specific definitions and descriptions because it’s multi-layered and deeply personalized to each individual; this is merely a guide on how to understand what it may show you. For personal readings with me, you are welcome to browse through my Offerings. You can also book directly the Path to Love Reading

In the middle of our chart between our unconscious Sun and conscious Earth we find our unconscious Venus – this is the heart of the path to love, and it shows how we open our heart to others and create fulfilling relationships. It also shows the highest expression of our heart through the deeper understanding of the gate associated with its sphere.

Each gate then comes with one of the six lines, and each line shows your unique way of how you may open your heart to others and the doorway through which you can experience deeper relationships.

Unconscious Venus, Line 1

Suppose you come through line 1. Line 1 is associated with the energy of certainty, rhythm and routine. If you have a 1st line with your unconscious Venus, then finding a sense of inner security will be your most fundamental focus in life; and it is this deep genetic almost cellular need for a sense of security that will motivate your entire life in all of its aspects. This is because this Venus part of our chart isn’t just about intimate relationships – it is about our heart, what opens us and how we experience our life through ourselves in all of its phases, expressions and textures.

This search for security that line 1 has and moves through ultimately leads them to another matter, and this dynamics are formed in childhood. As a child line 1 needs a strong sense of rhythm, as it is this rhythm that will colour what its understanding and definition of “security” is.

Rhythm brings a sense of security, because it connects us into the cyclic forces of nature and the universe. The rhythm of the seasons, the rhythm of our heartbeat, the rhythm of our daily activities – all these things are an oasis for the young child and our early childhood development, which essentially affect our adult relationships, patterns and dynamics. So if you have line 1, you might like to consider the rhythms of your early childhood, and whether they made you feel safe or uncertain. Our human minds are imprinted and conditioned with beliefs through repetitions and routine; so look back to what the repetitions and routines were as this will guide you on what, when and how your beliefs formed.

If you have a line 1, you need to be aware that you will unconsciously seek certainty and security from others; and this may put quite a bit of pressure on your relationships. You need to look deeply into this habit of transferring your fears onto others, especially if you haven’t experienced a lot of stability early on in life as you will be now expecting instability also and looking for ways to validate those fears, projections and expectations.

The only place you will ever find certainty is in your own heart; this is the rhythm you must trust and settle into. As adults it is natural that we would all need and want to continue to need rhythms in order to thrive. A life without natural rhythm can feel directionless and unable to support a process of maturing.

And of course rhythms also change. With phase of maturation or cycle of the land and season comes a new kind of rhythm in our life, and we must be willing to accept it. If you have a 1st line then such times can be really challenging for you, because internally change equates to instability, so you may sometimes get too fixated or stuck in patterns no longer good for you nor supporting your current phase of life; so it is necessary to try to embrace change, align with your natural rhythm of life and internally, and follow it. The heart opens as you embrace the trials of your life and the changing phases of relationships, and this is what allows you to transform yourself into greater spiritual maturity, feel the liberation and freedom of self, as you peel the layers of your bark releasing your true essence.

Unconscious Venus, Line 4

Let’s go through one more example, and suppose you have line 4. Line 4 with your unconscious Venus is known as the line of belonging and togetherness. This is actually quite a beautiful placement for the unconscious Venus to move through because in its gift and siddhi manifestations it is about truly experiencing union – and having the beautiful ability to make people feel together with you, understood and seen and accepted. You make them feel like home, and they naturally open up to you and reveal their hearts and inner selves even if they’ve just only recently met you.

You may leave a lasting impression on people, and people will remember you not for your “work” necessarily – they will remember you for you. You have the ability to touch people’s hearts and move them into feelings of togetherness – or rather – you inspire that within them, and they can then make the choice to move towards it.

You have an energy field that may be infusing and inspiring the feelings of home and love into others, and through your mere presence they can learn what these feel like, so that hopefully they feel inspired to make the changes within them. The fullest role of the human heart is to reach out and make the world a better place to live in, and line 4 internally understands that and shines that upon others.

As with all lines of the unconscious Venus, we need to turn the clocks to childhood to understand their adult expressions better. The young child with the line 4 lives in a state of natural trust; and no matter who you are or what you do or what your past has been, the line 4 young child sees you as innocent. Line 4 accepts people as they are and holds all in its home of heart – and this also creates a deeper motivation within its adult life to seek home in others also.

Line 4 is motivated by belonging and creating community and home for others. No matter what the environment or culture or landscapes the line 4 will find a way to relate to the differences and unfortunately, it may sometimes find excuses for behaviours just out of that need to create togetherness in understanding and acceptance. Line 4 can be in a desert but will find a way to make it home; it can be stranded on an island with bad people, but will move itself to find a way to create harmony or tame the beasts.

What line 4 needs to remember is that not all people deserve its love and kindness. Line 4 thrives on consistency of trust and connection and contact whether communication, physical with cuddles, emotional understanding etc. Reflect on whether the people in your life give you this, and if you often fall into unhealthy dynamics look back on your early childhood and what “belonging and home” meant for you, as this will show you what you unconscious patterns or dynamics.

You need to put yourself first and not abandon nor betray your own self. You may sometimes hide your light to make someone else feel better because people naturally get attracted to you and out of fear of losing you may want to restrict you or dim your life – never betray yourself and don’t engineer yourself into smallness.

The true belonging we seek is the one inside of us, and this is what line 4 comes to understand on its path to love. The 4th line purpose is one of breath – so this is a journey of deepening our breathing. This cannot be forced through any external technique, but only comes about as we soften our hearts.

As our breath moves deeper into the belly we become calmer and our body too relaxes. Line 4 has a most serene and relaxed aura field, and there is tranquility that we feel in its presence as it touches us – this is why it is so easy to like them. They have the natural gift of making you feel at home, as well as making you feel like you belong. In this way, line 4 is the embodiment and the epitome of the serene, beautiful, warm and inviting heart and home.

Cover photograph is by me of our beautiful wild roses. 

For personal readings with me, please visit my Offerings.

For more of my writings, browse through my Art of Love.

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