I previously shared with you what the Rose of Venus was, and the depth of insights that you may gain through understanding your natal Venus cycles in my article The Rose of Venus, and your Natal Venus Love Cycles. So if you haven’t read that please refer to it first to understand what it means; and essentially it shows the love evolution and growth your relationships may offer you in this life, as well as the greater themes that may be showing up in your love relationships.

The higher purpose of our relationships, as it connects to our soul’s purpose and evolution and dharmic path is seen through both the natal chart and mainly, the Navamsa chart, which is the 9th divisional chart; but nonetheless the Venus cycles offer much insight especially for people who have significant Venus in their natal chart such as Venus being their atmakaraka.

Today I’ll share with you an example, so that you may understand how to interpret this a bit more deeply, and for those of you interested in booking a reading with me on that specific topic, you may consider the Celestial Natal Reading, the Astrology Soul Love Reading, or the Natal Starry Sky Story.

From the Stream of the Fish to the Celestial Twins – Embodying Love for Humanity

In our first example I’ll share with you the Venus cycles of a a famous actress who is now no longer living, though per my ethics I keep the names private always. She was born on an evening Venus; and when Venus is in her evening star phase she is often called the Aphrodite Venus. Such a Venus is delicate, mystical, romantic, sensual, sensitive, artistic, magnetic, and very feminine in her expression of self. She has deep fires of desire within her, which she keeps private and within the comforts of her starry bed chambers, and can be very protective of her privacy. People may think they know her, as she may usually share a lot, but they don’t actually really know her. To get to her heart, one needs to approach her with a certain patience of rhythm and a lot of tenderness, proving they are trustworthy and worthy of her inner most private self.

For this actress all these applied as she was indeed very romantic, talented and artistic, and very passionate and sensitive – though because her natal Venus was in her natal fifth house in a masculine fire energy, she was quite attached to a lot of romance and was certainly more extroverted than a traditional evening star Venus.

Venus was her atmakaraka, or soul planet, so she came into this life with a lot of desires for relationships and intimacy and beauty that she had experienced in many past lives also; it was kind of like a natural continuation which had a certain sense of karmic impulses. This brought in a lot of karmic partners, and one of her greatest lessons, as a Venus atmakaraka, was to refine her approach in relationships, find a sense of balance and harmony, tame the lower urges and transform them into a more purified expression of Venus.

Venus is about having values and self value also, and it is all about how we feel about ourselves, which will thereby affect and reflect the choice of partners we have. As her darakaraka was her natal Saturn, we see that through her relationships she was actually seeking to understand the value of humility, hard work and feeling grounded in life, and to stay rooted in her faith and core values. Her partners usually had difficult lives, and through her relationship with them, she nourished them and gave them that sense of hope and beauty and harmony; so through her they felt more harmony and balance, and through them she realized the importance of dedication and commitment, or at least this is what she was seeking to learn.

Let’s now look at her natal Venus in her celestial sky, and then we’ll move into her Venus cycle and when Venus then first rose as a morning star.  

We see her natal Venus in the part of the sky along the river stream of the fish constellation, conjunct her natal Uranus. This place of the sky is about faith and moving in the flow of life, following your natural flow, and essentiallu surrendering to that flow and the divine timing. As Uranus was there too she felt a lot of instant sparks which she followed blindly, and sometimes they led to great things but sometimes she was a bit too impulsive; she did however have strong intuition, and deep faith, and her desires guided her forward. She had many relationships in her life and married quite a few times, and with Uranus here it shows that her Venus needed a certain sense of freedom and respect for her free spirited nature; she needed someone who saw her as her, who accepted her in her true self and individuality and supported her unique expression of self and individuality.

Life took her in many directions which she never quite forsaw as clearly, but nonetheless it eventually led her where she needed to be, and through her surrender in faith and dedication to remain true to herself she trusted this flow. She gained a lot of courage along the way, as well as understanding what her true desires and needs were in relationships, and essentially this was all about learning self value and self love. We see this because within her Venus cycle, Venus rose as a morning star in her eight house; and here below is where she was at the rising.

As we can see Venus rose in the body of Castor from the celestial Gemini constellation, and this is a very curious part of the sky because we have one of the lunar mansions, or nakshatras, known as Ardra – symbolizing the thunders and rainstorms, the rains of which, or tears of which, soften us into compassion and humility. Castor was the mortal twin, and his twin brother Pollux, the immortal one, sacrificed his immortality, or in some other versions of the myth he shared his immortality, so that he saves his brother Castor and brings him to life. Because of this true love gesture, the gods made both brothers shine bright in the sky, thereby them becoming the brightest stars in our sky, to remind us all of the importance of helping each other. Pollux is the brightest for his love raised someone, and he shared of himself with another selflessly.

In her life she made sacrifices, and she faced loss of one of the first man she ever loved, who she spoke of as her biggest true love. And yet all along the way she was helped and supported tenderly by many people; she had so many people love her and adore her through her film work, and no matter where the river streams took her she had someone’s hands to hold her. She had many lovers also, she loved again and again after each fall, and she learned the hidden powers of vulnerability – that no matter what happens a hand may hold her, and she’ll be raised again. With this rising of Venus showing up in her eight house, it was all about facing her own inner self and transforming through it in the way her soul intended.

This constellation is a beautiful one because it actually reminds us of humanity and the compassion we must have for one another. And she embodied this compassion entirely because she supported so many different people and social causes along the way, making people feel seen and heard. While she faced disillusionments and hurts in her love life, it was precisely love that guided her forward, so that she doesn’t close her heart nor harden it, but to give it even more life and expression towards all people. She loved fearlessly and never let anything taint her heart, which we also see as her ascendant ruler Jupiter is at the mouth of the lion. She also learned that love isn’t just about relationships or rivers of passions, it is about us as humanity holding each other, lifting each other, raising each other up. She became a true star – shining bright for many people to look up to for years after, she left a legacy of a warm heart.

We also see this unfolding through her natal Ascendant and her evolution to her dharma and marriage chart, the Navamsa. Her relationship axis in her natal chart are on the axis of Sagittarius-Gemini, which essentially shows that the higher purpose of her relationships was the adventurous quest for knowledge and truth. She had an expansive and spiritual path in this life that was intended for her to experience many different cultures, travels and expand her inner world and understanding through these external expansions also.

In her intimate relationships she certainly needed some space and someone who respects her need for her free spirit and independence, rather than someone with whom she’d feel controlled or limited with. Her relationships ultimately helped her spiritual growth and to come into a greater understanding of life, her purpose, her faith and guiding star – to trust herself but also to trust higher powers; and we see this initially as she was swimming in the streams of the rivers following her intuition and needing to keep her faith in the greater good.

In her Navamsa she moves to a Cancer Ascendant – so we see a move from mutable fire to cardinal water; which shows that she needed a lot of emotional nurturing and emotional and spiritual connection in her life – it was precisely through her emotional body that she was able to reach her dharma. And this was the legacy she left for others also – the way she poured her heart and soul into all she did, the way she cared for all people regardless of who they were, and the way she inspired love and hope in others through her own relationships. People today still look up to her and great love affairs, and feel like “oh wow perhaps soulmates do exist.” She infused a sense of these soul love relationships and romance into people’s spirits.

And this aligned perfectly with her own North Node of destiny in this life, as she was meant to find her sense of home and belonging, focusing on creating stability in her home and family, rather than be too career oriented. Emotional nurturing and emotional balance were key for her soul evolution in this life, and it was precisely these love relationships that would pull her towards her own self and finding that sense of home and family, rather than being too focused on work achievements as she had been in previous lives.

And as her atmakaraka Venus went into its evolution of Mercury in her Navamsa, she was meant to learn the art of communication, sharing her experiences and inspiring others along the way through her heart-centered way of language and self expression. This is how she raised others also, just as Pollux raised Castor, infusing a love for all through her good actions and generous heart.

For personal readings with me, you are welcome to browse through my Offerings.

Cover photograph by me of our beautiful wild roses.

For more of my writings, browse through my Art of Love.

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