in the way of water, through the mist
we’ll still find each other
you should know i feel you
more than one life should allow
i should know you see me
beyond the senses, to my soul
through the mist, only this will guide us
soften voices, soften skins
soon the sun will be half-moon
half-transparent bluish flames
will peer beyond our eyes
did i tell you how much i love the lanterns on our porch?
& everything, everything i’ll ever find
i’ve already found because you’re inside me
heart into heart
synchronizing heartbeats
so reach out your hand
take mine
hold me
do not waver
even when tides are high
even when tides are low
the night – sensate like lover’s silk
the mist – a sound of blood-close things
the distance – a tarnished silver ring
(just add the baking soda)
and let us drift across the water
in our tiny little boat, only you and i
& our love
A little more:
I love love love Venice; and I even more, love love love the Greek Islands. And was deeply loved there too. I fell into a love, into a remembering, into an awakening. Soul-sized is the land of our heart but that’s the land that only matters. There, there are languages older than voice and word, older than time, from a time before time beyond time. Such languages only the heart understands. These are the languages that water things like him and I speak. And we come to each other like waves. Because this is how water loves. The rest is only a matter of timing. And perhaps a boat.

Me in Ios, Greece.

The above includes excerpts from my book, all rights reserved and subject to copyright.
You can read more of my poems and musings in my {poem + story} series.
You can also visit my poems page to read poems from my first two books, check out my two love poetry books, Moonhold (2019) and The God-like Things (2021), and listen to my spoken word while musing over some of my videos and photography.
I love what I do, I love to create and to contribute, and if you want to support me and my work of love (and my upcoming new book of poetry!), you can do so by sharing my articles and poems, buy my books, or donate some magic coins in my hat on Paypal. If you would like to work with me, hire me or collaborate, feel free to check out my Offerings or contact me directly.
Your support means so much to me! Thank you wholeheartedly!
Cover art by Claude Monet, Le Grand Canal, Venice, 1908, via Wikimedia Commons.