{poem + story} kiss on the wrist.

{poem + story} kiss on the wrist.

ask the hawk, he knows how you take my love across wild roses’ bedand tie the bottom corners to my ankles how i feel the fading, the silk, and the sweet scentof the deepening how morning shadows can stretch us,re-shape us, twist us, eventangle us but never break us...

as if souls twin

let me be a while yet as if i’ve unforgotten to stay voices like hands, solid as if we’ve remembered how to touch winter, once when even ice curls around the rocking hearts and the wild, plunging us deeper into deeper souls twin like our childhood diaries remembering...

as if i am a dream my body has

in perpetual seas maybe i could have loved you more all those evenings i held you as if i could hold you even unkept time keeps us like souvenirs, the years i picked the tiniest pebble and stayed up late muslin rains to gather us as if i am a dream my body has from...

only ever you

say the quiet grows around me promise you know i’m still here say the slip of light is what we lacked to pin my hands on your chest for not just tonight when senses become emigrants and have stopped taking me, say the leftover waters will not empty me of you...

the god-like things

from room to room we carried each other and our ordinary gestures throughout the years, passing by the often overlooked the sometimes unremembered god-like things everything in life begins with noticing so here: i give you back the old house placed oil jars beside the...
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