We’re having a wondefully beautiful autumn here, so let’s today walk the relationship lands and the paths they can sometimes take through the understanding of the North Node and South Node aspects in synastry, also known as the Nodes of destiny. To...
Last time we talked about the importance of the right flow of masculine and feminine energy in romantic relationships through the Vedic aspect of shtrii diirgha, which shows the amount of harmony and respect two people may have for one another in a long term...
Today we’ll talk about the flow of masculine and feminine energy within relationships; and I’ll then guide you through one of the most important aspects in synastry which is how to see this flow in the relationship dynamics between two partners. The right...
Beyond the hands of our human made clocks are the other clocks; with hands unclockable, unstrikable by us. There, time is a matter of timing. While we may still be perceiving relationships as ways to give us pleasure, happiness or some sense of mundane purpose, the...
~ He reaches his hands through the soil, tempted by water, tempted by air; he reaches his hands through the soil, for merging ~ This is a beautiful aspect to have in synastry, as it shows a natural blending between two people, where both feel a depth of connection and...